Pre-Order Thread

The Christmas Time is Here 7" they did is awesome but didn't rise up in price an insane amount. I'm not sure that the 7" market is quite as popular as the 12"/LP market.
Meh... some of my sevens have quite frankly insane prices on cogs.

I'm a Beck completionist but do I really need this? And for $50?

That looks nice.

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Missed the mondo drop. GF wanted that color scheme. Glad I pre-ordered the Milan variant.
Meh... some of my sevens have quite frankly insane prices on cogs.
Maybe I'm wrong about that then haha. I've just noticed that 12" are more desirable overall and while I own about 700+ 7" records, only 2 or 3 are in my top 50-100 highest valued items on discogs...two of which are Frank Ocean and one is a subscriber only Numero 7".
TIL Ryan Gosling was (is?) in a band called Dead Man's Bones.

This is a great album. Perfect for Halloween too. My wife and I saw them perform at FYF Fest when this first came out and they had all of the kids (from the Silverlake Conservatory Of Music, I believe) performing with them. They're on the album too. Sirius XMU used to regularly play a couple of songs from this ("Pa Pa Power" and "My Body's A Zombie For You").
One of the most exciting indie rock debuts this year up for preorder on Bandcamp and the official website. /200 Bronze and /300 red gold swirl

out October 2nd. I highly (HIGHLY) recommend listening to the 2 pre release tracks, just great indie rock that is familiar and also goes in so many different directions.

To be somewhat fair, I have a jukebox that holds 100 45s...a lot of others are from entire collections I bought for really cheap so one day I will go through them all again and sell some off + organize them better. Until I buy a house, most are in storage right now.
I went to a record pop-up one time and this guy was trying to sell me 500 7" for $50. I knew I could easily make that back, but it just pained me to think about all the cleaning, researching, listening (my back hurts thinking about all the flipping), and eventual selling that would need to occur. I love the hobby, but not 500 7 inches love.
To be somewhat fair, I have a jukebox that holds 100 45s...a lot of others are from entire collections I bought for really cheap so one day I will go through them all again and sell some off + organize them better. Until I buy a house, most are in storage right now.
The only reason I ever even consider 7"'s is for my buddy who owns a Wurlitzer.

I would love to own a jukebox one day. The Marshall Jukebox is gorgeous if you have an extra 12k laying around.
The only reason I ever even consider 7"'s is for my buddy who owns a Wurlitzer.

I would love to own a jukebox one day. The Marshall Jukebox is gorgeous if you have an extra 12k laying around.
My parents own an old jukebox that I'll hope to get one day. They play it occasionally, but have never changed the stylus, so that's painful to think about.