Rank The Albums!

1. For Your Pleasure
2. Avalon
3. Country Life
4. Manifesto
5. S/T
6. Stranded
7. Flesh + Blood
8. Siren

*I like them all
Roxy Music:
  1. For Your Pleasure
  2. Country Life
  3. Flesh + Blood
  4. Stranded
  5. Avalon
  6. S/T
  7. Siren
  8. Manifesto
Crazy how my Roxy Music list is so different
1. Stranded
2. Siren
3. Roxy Music
4. For Your Pleasure
5. Country Life
6. Avalon
7. Manifesto
8. Flesh + Blood (never listened to it tbh, but the tracks I have heard I don’t particularly like)
for your pleasure > stranded > roxy music > country life > siren > avalon > manifesto > flesh + blood
Interesting. For Your Pleasure is often hailed as their best, but for me, The Bogus Man is a 9 minute slog. Country Life is another that gets a lot high praise. Don’t get me wrong, I think it’s a fine album (same with FYP), but the only truly exciting track is The Thrill Of It All. Nothing else on it grabs my attention.
Interesting. For Your Pleasure is often hailed as their best, but for me, The Bogus Man is a 9 minute slog. Country Life is another that gets a lot high praise. Don’t get me wrong, I think it’s a fine album (same with FYP), but the only truly exciting track is The Thrill Of It All. Nothing else on it grabs my attention.

first five are all classique imo

kacey musgraves: golden hour > same trailer, different park > star-crossed > pageant material > a very kacey christmas > the kacey musgraves christmas show
1. To Be Kind
2. The Great Annihilator
3. The Seer
4. Children Of God
5. Soundtracks For The Blind
6. The Glowing Man
7. White Light From The Mouth Of Infinity
8. Filth
9. My Father Will Guide Me Up A Rope To The Sky
10. Greed
11. Love Of Life
12. Holy Money.
13. Cop
14. Leaving Meaning
*The Burning World is unranked, I’ve never listened to it