Record Store Day 2024

For those out and in line who have been going to their same store consistently, are you finding it busier than normal this year?

Last year, with the Swift thing, it was so overwhelming I decided to sit this one out (but also, nothing I'm dying to get this year).

I was hoping things would return a bit to "normal busy" and not "Swift busy". What is everyone whose been going out for RSD for a while experiencing?

My old local posted a video last nigh that definitely shows more people than years past. Someone in line where I current am said T-Swift brought her into it last year and now she's comfortable doing the rsd thing
In and out relatively quick. Got all 4 things I wanted (so I spent more than I should)

Fleet Foxes
Howlin Wolf
Dirty Heads
And Jenny Lewis for a friend.

They put Jenny Lewis and Dirty Heads in a separate paper bag and someone accidently grabbed it with their stuff. Luckily I realized and they called him back. Honest mistake and quickly fixed