Record Store Day 2024

Ugh, I just made the mistake of counting my “incoming” stack and it’s over 50 including 8 box sets.

I suck.
This has its pros and cons. For me, I have to listen to my incoming first or else it gets overwhelming. This impacts me listening to stuff I already own, and as a result I strictly listen to incoming unless I’m really itching to play something. Hoping to slow down my buying to fix this.
This has its pros and cons. For me, I have to listen to my incoming first or else it gets overwhelming. This impacts me listening to stuff I already own, and as a result I strictly listen to incoming unless I’m really itching to play something. Hoping to slow down my buying to fix this.
Thank you and @TenderLovingKiller® for making me not feel like the only sinner on here.
I have like three cubes of shit I haven’t listened to.
That would drive me nuts. I have slowed down on my purchases this years (though doesn't feel like it) and I only have 4 albums in my 'on deck' section. Unless something drops in price in my wishlists, I probably won't have anything new coming in during July so I can get back to playing older items again.
That would drive me nuts. I have slowed down on my purchases this years (though doesn't feel like it) and I only have 4 albums in my 'on deck' section. Unless something drops in price in my wishlists, I probably won't have anything new coming in during July so I can get back to playing older items again.
It does indeed drive me nuts.
I have like three cubes of shit I haven’t listened to.
I think I have nearly two full cubes of "to be listened to". The only RSD24 release I haven't yet listened to is the Joe Pesci one. I bought it on a whim, and just haven't yet found the time to spin it.

I have drastically cut back on purchases in the past year. Bought a very much needed 2x4 kallax about 8 months (?) ago that is practically full already. I have maybe 2 cubes left of empty space ( that I currently have other shit in like my setlist binder, spin clean, puzzles and extra slipmats, etc. ) so I either need to start selling off some records or figure out where the hell I'm gonna fit another kallax. My record count is currently slightly over 2k.
What compounds it for me is that I have this crazy three listens before putting on the shelf rule. I currently have about two cubes of listened to once and about a cube of listened to twice. Since my space for one listen is full I pretty much have to listen to something to move out before I can listen to something new.

I have slowed down incoming though and am slowly working on it. I was probably closer to four cubes of not listened to at the beginning of the year.
What compounds it for me is that I have this crazy three listens before putting on the shelf rule. I currently have about two cubes of listened to once and about a cube of listened to twice. Since my space for one listen is full I pretty much have to listen to something to move out before I can listen to something new.

I have slowed down incoming though and am slowly working on it. I was probably closer to four cubes of not listened to at the beginning of the year.
Same three strikes rule before I put a record away in its proper spot
I had the same experience. For whatever reason it took me awhile to getting around to spinning it and even though there’d been a bunch of hype about the quality, it still exceeded my expectations.

The complaint I had was trying to get the horizontal OBI to stay put when sliding the album into an outer sleeve. That probably took 10 minutes.

I gave up putting the obi back on. It's now in the sleeve diagonally.