Record Store Day 2025

Only one item I want for this year; Charli XCX - Number 1 Angel. It wouldn't even be for is for a friend that wasn't into vinyl when it was released as part of the gatefold package with Pop 2 back in '18. 10k copies is probably not that many with last year's brat having sold well over 30k across all variants.

I return home from Japan vacation on 4/10, then work the next day until 5:30 AM the following day. I don't know if I'll have the energy to stay up 20+hrs just for one RSD item.
How Does Your Garden Grow by Better than Ezra is pretty underrated. Never got a vinyl release. Weirdly, I have it on DVD-Audio as a 5.1 release that was a passion project of a guy who was from New Orleans and loved the band and that album so he got it released.
Kevin Griffin now runs an annual fest in Franklin, TN and the band often plays there.
I know a guy who played on this album. Who was the guy who put the 5.1 release out? It's probaby one the co-founders of the same TN fest.
Kevin Griffin now runs an annual fest in Franklin, TN and the band often plays there.
I know a guy who played on this album. Who was the guy who put the 5.1 release out? It's probaby one the co-founders of the same TN fest.
The guy behind the idea was Richard LaBonte. He started a company called Music Valet to do more projects like this but it didn't take off. A bit ahead of his time given what you can do now with Dolby Atmos for music releases.

Considering trying to track down that Cunninglynguists album. Pieces of Strange is one of my prized possessions. That said, I'm extremely frustrated that the Throwing Muses album getting a release is a live album. University and The Real Ramona are among my most desired re-issues across any genre-- they have never been pressed in my 12 years of buying records and are among the most underrated albums of the 90's.

And you decide that a random live album (from before either album was released I believe) is the way to go? WTF!
That one's a regional focus limited to 1k, so gonna be tough. Unclear what region as well.

Yeah. Fucking hip-hop has a hard on for overcharging and keeping releases limited in recent years. See the fact that all of Billy Woods albums can only be purchased on tour (for $50) or that JPEG's albums dip in and out of print and are priced at like 40$. It's why that part of my collection has stalled.

But Cunninlynguists probably need the $ and that album was a STAPLE of my college years. I actually started buying wax after seeing APOS and Strange Journey volume III at their merch table during a 2014 tour. Bought them on the spot (for $25) and they remain among the most valuable records in my collection because they've never (to my knowledge) been repressed.

So we will see what happens. I just found a shop out here that is going to have it-- but they specialize in hip-hop so I bet it's one of the few places where that album is gonna be in high demand.