Well-Known Member
Absolutely agree about the Blade 2. I love how they look, but, and it’s an important but, I’m not sure how they would look in my room.The Blade 2 is darn near a SOTA loudspeaker, but I get your reservations. Moving down the KEF line will still result in excellent performance. Listen to the Vandersteen before dropping cash on the KEF, though.
As for the Vandersteen’s, I’m definitely going to be auditioning them.
I did opt for an “extended audition” of the KEF Reference 3. I just bought a used pair of Ref 3 (non-meta) at a price where I feel I can sell them at a minimal loss if I don’t feel they gel. Or that I end up preferring the Vandy’s or Focal’s or the Meta’s are worth triple the non-Metas.
So, these are on their way to my house.