Yep..great episode...this is the wayBoba episode 5 spoilers.
I find it hilarious that the best episode of Book of Boba Fett so far is an episode of the Mandalorian.
World building - finally off Tattooine on a dope-ass halo ring world.
Lore Building - learning more about Mandalorian customs and history.
Character building - Bounty Hunter, killer, loyal, honourable, honest, determined, grease monkey, generous, dependable. All in one episode.
Nostalgia - That Naboo starfighter, updated to not only look badass but as an actual space hotrod. I even laughed when he said "Wizard" a silly call back to a silly movie. And I can't wait to see little Grogu chillin in his little bubble seat.
Which brings me to my last point - Got damn Grogu beskar chainmail. I cannot wait.
Finally, a good episode of Boba.
Episode 6 was great ...say no more
I really need to watch Clone Wars / Rebels.
I've stalled out a bit in my second attempt to watch Clone Wars in the chronological order that can be readily found online. I've heard amazing things and enjoy what I've seen well enough, but haven't been all the way grabbed yet. I'm more likely to spin a couple of records than watch a couple of episodes...
Yeah, same. My son has watched the whole series and keeps trying to get me to watch it, but it's a slow start for sure.
started reading light of the jedi this week . i have it from my public library online, so i red on a tablet. which comes in handy bacause i can have wookiepedia on in a browser and look up the races or starship designs. i know my twi`lek or wookie but anselmi or nautolan not so much anymore. Also reading this in english as a non-native speaker sometimes has me questioning if words are just normal english words i don´t know or star wars specific terms like lekkuLight of the Jedi by Charles Soule is the initial book that lays the groundwork for the era with all the characters and such. It reminded me of reading the Song of Ice and Fire books for the first time with the sheer amount of characters introduced. Personally I just had to google characters a lot to get an idea of what to visualize them as. Lots of names, but its worth it.
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After that you have a couple diffrent ways you can go. The adult novels tell the core story of the era, with the Marvel comic filling in important gaps. Then you can read as much as you desire. The YA novels, middle grade books, and the IDW young readers comic all have characters and plot points that move from book to book. Personally that's whats made me read them all. Here's a handy guide for choosing what to read after Light of the Jedi.
Yeah that sounds about right. The names and races definitely prevent a barrier to entry; I did a similar thing as you and had to look up some races to better visualize in my mind. You really just have to know the main ones, maybe throw in Trandoshans and Togruta's. That's something that gets easier as the books go on and characters die, and you start to see who the main ones are that the narrative will follow. I see lots of parallels to the SOIAF series in that regard.started reading light of the jedi this week . i have it from my public library online, so i red on a tablet. which comes in handy bacause i can have wookiepedia on in a browser and look up the races or starship designs. i know my twi`lek or wookie but anselmi or nautolan not so much anymore. Also reading this in english as a non-native speaker sometimes has me questioning if words are just normal english words i don´t know or star wars specific terms like lekku
This is helpfulYeah that sounds about right. The names and races definitely prevent a barrier to entry; I did a similar thing as you and had to look up some races to better visualize in my mind. You really just have to know the main ones, maybe throw in Trandoshans and Togruta's. That's something that gets easier as the books go on and characters die, and you start to see who the main ones are that the narrative will follow. I see lots of parallels to the SOIAF series in that regard.
That is great, and that's a really expansive character chart. Almost all of these guys make a cameo appearance in Light of the Jedi but are fleshed out in other material. Keeve Trennis and Sskeer are the main characters in the Marvel comic. Reath Silas is the central character in the YA novels, and Vernestra and Imri are in the "they have no right to be this good" middle grade books. Lily Tora-assi is the central character in the manga, which has one volume out so far. It's alright.This is helpful
You've been right. Finished light of the Jedi yesterday and it's great. Test of courage was the one I could immediately get from the library so that is up nextThat is great, and that's a really expansive character chart. Almost all of these guys make a cameo appearance in Light of the Jedi but are fleshed out in other material. Keeve Trennis and Sskeer are the main characters in the Marvel comic. Reath Silas is the central character in the YA novels, and Vernestra and Imri are in the "they have no right to be this good" middle grade books. Lily Tora-assi is the central character in the manga, which has one volume out so far. It's alright.
That's awesome, love to hear it. I'm a huge fan of the character of Vernestra, Test of Courage is a great introduction. Even though it's written for middle-grade I didn't feel pandered to; it's basically the same tone as an episode of The Clone Wars.You've been right. Finished light of the Jedi yesterday and it's great. Test of courage was the one I could immediately get from the library so that is up next