What a fun show. I'm glad it got to see the light of day. Star Wars can be fun. It doesn't always have to be Jedi vs. Sith. It can be fun stories of wonder. Plus...
Got to a see a B-Wing get some combat action and it not be on a cartoon
They stuck the landing pretty well
i sctually liked that there were no rie-ins or cameos with other shows and the told the story arc in that 8 episodes without any post-credit stuff. I I would be happy if they have a good idea and revisit at attention but fine if someone has a good story st another time or place in that universe to tell
Don't love the edit of the trailer to make it look like some action-packed spectacle, but I do love Andor and can't wait. I'll probably go on blackout for all future Andor things until this is out.
I hadn't thought of this before, but I just realized I actually saw all 9 in the theatre (some at the drive-in) upon release.
1977 was before my time, but does seeing all the OT Special Editions count?
I've seen them all in theaters, I was exactly the right age to see the original Star Wars about a billion times when it first came out. Went to a midnight screening of The Phantom Menace the night it was released and remember being distinctly underwhelmed.

My best Star Wars in the theater memory is my sister taking me to see Return of the Jedi at the Cinerama Dome in LA a few days after it premiered. Lots of people in costume, and we still talk about the one guy selling "Hot Jedi Coffee" to people waiting in line. Tried to find any news reports on it, but best I could do was this news story about a missing part of the movie at a San Diego showing. The girl in the Imperial Officer costume had great cosplay skills, and an Imperial attitude to match!

This may be in the hot-take realm, but despite various degrees of disappointment at some of the films or expanded editions, nothing approaches my reaction leaving the theatre after seeing episode 9.