Decided work can wait a little bit. Only time to A/B with 3 tracks for now.
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The difference isn’t immediate or shocking, but it’s there right away out of the box. I know the 20/20 takes a little time to warm up, and I won’t even dive into the break in debate. I’ll just say this is outright impossible to truly A/B without having two 20/20 units on hand with two matching TTs.
But here’s what I noticed on the first pass:
Drums are faster. More crisp. Very slightly some details come to the foreground more easily, but only because I’ve listened back to back. Things are ever slightly more textured and have a better sense of effortlessness to the power in big swings. Again, these are not shocking differences, but they are there.
First track was Daft Punk - Giorgio by Moroder.
Here is where I noticed the drums just feeling more tight and crisp. Throughout the long interlude the snare drum felt more apparent. Like a full drum kit instead of a driving beat. It seems slightly easier to differentiate the drum kit from the electronic drum beat. Maybe Giorgio’s vocals felt like they were in a larger space. Maybe I was just paying more attention.
I followed this with two tracks by Tracy Chapman: Fast Car and Across the Lines. On Fast Car I more strongly feel that Tracy’s voice is in a larger space. So this upgrade is clearly opening things up a little. Instrumentation largely feels the same, expect strums on the bass feel like they linger a little longer. Impact doesn’t feel particularly stronger, but just a bit more refined, and again that little detail of the trailing note comes more to the forefront. I also find myself noticing the drum kit more again. Maybe it’s just today’s fixation, but I seem to really locking in on that difference after swapping power supplies. Moving to Across the Lines, again it’s the drum detail and space on the vocals that I’m noticing the most immediately. Vocals on this album are always captivating, but I had to let the rest of the album run through.
Again, we’re talking small changes overall here. But there is something to this. Of you’re buying new, just consider it the proper way the system is meant to operate, if you already a 20/20 owner, this wouldn’t be the top of my list, but if other things are buttoned up, then it’s worth the while.