New Member
Since I've seen people get confused by phono preamps, I'll take a couple minutes to explain. (I apologize if this is old news to you--actually, I'll go ahead apologize to most of you). These devices convert the millivolt level output from the turntable to the 1-2 volt level expected by most amplifiers. They can usually be found in one of 3 places:
You need exactly one of these. Any more, and you risk speaker damage. Any less, and it will sound super quiet and tinny.
- Built into cheap turntables. Cheap crap. Has a switch to turn it on of off.
- Built into the receiver. Usually cheap crap. If your receiver has phono input, that input probably has one.
- A separate box between the turntable and the receiver. Can be anywhere from cheap crap to more expensive than your car. This is usually considered a major upgrade. DON'T PLUG THIS INTO THE PHONO INPUT!!!
Thanks for this info. My next question was going to be: "Does this plug into the Phono input" so that was answered. With that said, where does it plug into? The auxiliary input? Or, do i need a different interface from here?