
Does anybody know anything about this new Amazon show Tales from the Loop? Do I understand correctly that it's based on...paintings?

Edit: The AV Club is pretty enthusiastic about it, which is usually good enough for me.
Oh holy moly! I've been hearing this show's name all week and I never made the connection; the show is based on art by this Swedish artist I've been following for the better part of a decade now, Simon Stalenhag. His work involves suburban and pastoral settings, with sci-fi elements dropped in. Here's a favorite or two of mine:


He does a really good job of integrating the mundane with the fantastic, and honestly, his work has this Chris Van Allsberg sort of magic and potential which I think is best left explored in the imagination than through narrative film or fiction. I think I'll have to check the show out, though; if it's inspired by this work, it'll probably have some interesting vibes.
Yeah, I was beginning to wonder if they were hoping people forgot or something.
Been watching more Simpsons while 'tining and was wondering the same thing. Best guess I can think of is they remastered/encoded/censored the entire run in letterbox and have to go back and do the same, episode by episode, again for the 4:3.
Been watching more Simpsons while 'tining and was wondering the same thing. Best guess I can think of is they remastered/encoded/censored the entire run in letterbox and have to go back and do the same, episode by episode, again for the 4:3.
I can't believe some idiot greenlighted cutting out so many things. I guess I get that some people might be turned off by 4:3, but the idea that it would only be available cropped and stretched is crazy to me. 16:9 should always have been the bonus, if it happened.
Anyone watched the Apple show, Home Before Dark? Wondering with the main character being a 9 year old if it's suitable for kids?
You better take that talk to DMs or spoiler alert banner the hell out of those posts! Some of us <cough cough> have watched none of it and have spent our day off binge watching other shows (see previous post).

And, for clarification, that coughing was signifying that I am talking about ME and not a symptom of any non-related pandemics
Yep, all the spoilers. ALL OF THEM!

No seriously, if I ever start actually speaking of the plot, it'll be within the alert banners. Never fear. I know how much it sucks to have a show spoiled.
OK, time to spoil it for @TheMythOfSisyphus …. No, jk, pal. Don't click on the link.

That whole Ben and Wendy interaction. Wow. It broke my heart. I had to rewind it a few times to fully digest it all because it was very emotional. Both of them acted the hell out of that.

And who did Jonah shoot at the end????

This show blows away my expectations every time O_O
I don't think he was shooting at anyone, just becoming a bit of a loose canon.