
It’s got big money behind it (Jeff Katzenberg was promoting from his yacht this morning on Today) and they have be promoting the fuck out of it. I bet it sticks around for a while. The YouTube comparison fall a bit short, they are curating original exclusive content where YouTube you have access to almost anything and everything (for better or worse). Like any venture of this nature, it needs to get a show or two to catch the national zeitgeist to catch on. That being said nothing about it has really piqued my interest.
Yeah it's not quite Youtube, but the draw of people wanting to watch scripted/non-scripted but TV-like content in bite sized format feels...weird. It's like when Snapchat was doing original shows (disclaimer: I was never on snapchat, too old for that, but I knew these existed). Why? Why is this a thing? They have definitely been pushing it. I have seen so many ads about it over the past month, but I have seen/heard nobody being excited for it.
What is Ozark. I have heard a few people mention it recently? Should I watch it?
Here’s the premise
“Financial advisor Martin "Marty" Byrde suddenly relocates his family from the Chicago suburb of Naperville to the summer resort community of Osage Beach, Missouri.[12] After a money launderingscheme for a Mexican drug cartel goes wrong, Marty must make amends by setting up a bigger laundering operation in the Lake of the Ozarksregion of central Missouri. When the Byrdes arrive in Missouri, they become entangled with local criminals, including the Langmores and Snells.[8]

Yes. You should absolutely watch it
I have honestly not seen him in anything else. He was an absolute revelation in this season. I agree, he should be recognized for this work.
I absolutely do not recommend that you waste your time watching Iron Fist, but he was good with what he was given in it.
I went and looked him up and was amazed when I discovered he was in Iron Fist. I totally had zero idea that was him. He was one of the brighter spots of that show.
I just watched Ep 9. One to go! But holy fuck that whole episode was fantastic. Back to what @Chucktshoes said about Tom Pelphrey....this is the episode where he shined as an actor. Just his whole manic nature, ups and downs were well executed by him. In fact, Laura Linney (Wendy) was really great in that episode too; the last few minutes of that episode w/ her gave me the feels.

Altogether - and I say this confidently, even w/ one ep to go - this has been the best season of the show. The first season def took some time to find its footing and to shake off the (inevitable) Breaking Bad comparisons. Season 2 took what worked from S1 and ran with it. This season is fine tuning all of that stuff and letting a great ensemble cast shine. The pacing is good - scenes/arcs feel neither rushed nor dragging - and a lot of the shots/setups are really good. One, in particular, that comes to mind is also in e9 where Ruth and Nelson are talking and Nelson is still sitting in his parked SUV while Ruth is at the driver window. The camera is on Ruth w/ the side-view mirror how we see Nelson's (expressionless) face. Something about the tension of that scene (and episode, in general) I found to be a fit choice of a shot.

My only criticism of the season/show (sure I could produce more if I did a deep dive) is that I find the actor who plays Noah to be wooden, and that every time I see Helen I can't help but think of Jessica Jones' mom (not the actress' fault and she portrays that character's power very well and has fast become one of my favorites; but still Jessica Jones' mom...)
This episode is where Pelphrey wins all of the awards. That cab ride...wuff.
I just watched Ep 9. One to go! But holy fuck that whole episode was fantastic. Back to what @Chucktshoes said about Tom Pelphrey....this is the episode where he shined as an actor. Just his whole manic nature, ups and downs were well executed by him. In fact, Laura Linney (Wendy) was really great in that episode too; the last few minutes of that episode w/ her gave me the feels.

Altogether - and I say this confidently, even w/ one ep to go - this has been the best season of the show. The first season def took some time to find its footing and to shake off the (inevitable) Breaking Bad comparisons. Season 2 took what worked from S1 and ran with it. This season is fine tuning all of that stuff and letting a great ensemble cast shine. The pacing is good - scenes/arcs feel neither rushed nor dragging - and a lot of the shots/setups are really good. One, in particular, that comes to mind is also in e9 where Ruth and Nelson are talking and Nelson is still sitting in his parked SUV while Ruth is at the driver window. The camera is on Ruth w/ the side-view mirror how we see Nelson's (expressionless) face. Something about the tension of that scene (and episode, in general) I found to be a fit choice of a shot.

My only criticism of the season/show (sure I could produce more if I did a deep dive) is that I find the actor who plays Noah to be wooden, and that every time I see Helen I can't help but think of Jessica Jones' mom (not the actress' fault and she portrays that character's power very well and has fast become one of my favorites; but still Jessica Jones' mom...)

YES! Episode 9! It is just an emotional journey. And so well done.

I hope that the show can continue to improve upon each last season. But S3 is really great and that may be a tall order.

I absolutely do not recommend that you waste your time watching Iron Fist, but he was good with what he was given in it.
I went and looked him up and was amazed when I discovered he was in Iron Fist. I totally had zero idea that was him. He was one of the brighter spots of that show.

Well, after typing out my statement I did go look up what he was in and I have seen Iron Fist. I hated it. So, that is probably why I don't remember him being in it. I tried to purge that show from my mind.
Just finished Ozark S3. Holy Jiminy Cricket that ending! Also, what pleasant surprise to hear Run the Jewels in the closing credits.
So who do you think Jonah shot at ?

And so long Helen. I am actually kinda sad about it. She was a powerful character.
He shot at his own pain. He shot at who his parents had become. He shot at the knowledge that his safety required the death of the uncle he loved. He shot at everything, and nothing. Next season expect to see a schism develop between the kids and their parents. Possibly more troubling, a schism between the siblings as Charlotte sides with her parents while Jonah is unable to accept it.
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Better Call Saul - My theory on Kim Wexler. Don't read unless currently caught up.

Now that she is unfortunately in the game, maybe Jimmy uses the money gained from the bail money pickup to call the vacuum salesman and scoot her out of town. That would explain why she's not in BB. And then the hopeful me wishes Gene finds Jane Doe (Kim) at the very end.