The Beatles

Ha! I was a serious question. But now I feel dumb for asking. I was thinking it was new footage but most of it seemed to be from 1994.
Sorry. I thought about asking if it was a for real question.

Peter Jackson has said there was some crazy amount of unused footage from Anthology. So I fully expect there to be a revisionist version of that soon. Probably called compendium or some such nonsense.
Sorry. I thought about asking if it was a for real question.

Peter Jackson has said there was some crazy amount of unused footage from Anthology. So I fully expect there to be a revisionist version of that soon. Probably called compendium or some such nonsense.
I was in elementary school and junior high during the Anthology era. So I haven't seen much footage or their "look" from that time. I thought it might be Dhani Harrison until I realized I'm an idiot.

In my defense. The whole video was one weird mind fuck.
I was in elementary school and junior high during the Anthology era. So I haven't seen much footage or their "look" from that time. I thought it might be Dhani Harrison until I realized I'm an idiot.

In my defense. The whole video was one weird mind fuck.
It’s nightmare fuel. I gave now and then a couple of listens before I even attempted to have an opinion about it. The video can be men in black penned from my memory thank you very much.
It’s nightmare fuel. I gave now and then a couple of listens before I even attempted to have an opinion about it. The video can be men in black penned from my memory thank you very much.
The song itself has grown on me. It's definitely not top tier Beatles work but it's fine. I probably won't cancel my order for the 7".
Documentary is great
Song is okay

THIS is fucking weird and I don’t like it:

Not to be outdone…IMG_2270.jpeg

Utilizing artificial sweetener, unintelligence and a discarded cassette tape from Ron Nasty, we bring you Cow And Hen, a Rutles song that never was. Inspired by a waiter at a Rutland restaurant who was always asking if we wanted chicken or beef.
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I hope we're not becoming like SHF with hundreds of pages of needless Beatles shit.

Now & Then is a Macca (aided by Ringo) concoction to promote Red & Blue, which otherwise wouldn't get the same level of unearned promotion as the remix albums. Nothing more, nothing less.

Hey - I think Lennon did a cassette demo singing 'nothing more, nothing less, I love you (I miss you)' - catchy!
I listened to the first 60 seconds or so this morning before I had to turn it off.

I remember being first in line to buy the Free As A Bird single at Woolies when it can out, and wasn't very impressed by that either, so I Should Have Known Better.
I’m glad some people love it. It’s a neat and interesting project. I would call it a curio, a footnote. I will give it some time and more attention. But I am not buying it.
What’s funny to me is that all of the complaints about the new single are the same criticisms Real Love and Free As A Bird got in 95. Revisionist history is an interesting thing.