Joe Mac
Well-Known Member
The one thing I'll add is that everyone messing with these is generally approaching or past the $100K total system mark. Which is also wild.
These aren't popping up in living room or multi-function areas. Always in dedicated rooms that often look and sound nicer than most audio dealers these days. People that are truly chasing that last single percent out of their system.
I can't speak for the difference they made because I haven't been able to hear a before/after with one of these. But I am surprised at how quickly this type of gear is catching on in some circles.
I’m not. I do sometimes wonder at the lack of perspective. The good that money could do rather than buying an audiophile placebo.
Edit: Sorry that wasn’t aimed at you or to sound too preachy, some things just exasperate me. Up to a point I can see the justification with amps and speaker and can see where the extra money goes even if it can be excessive all the same. A bit like a super car for example. I can see why it’s different and why that difference costs more money even if I don’t like that people are spending that money on a car lol. When that kind of excess applies to this sort of emperors new clothes nonsense it’s almost too vulgar lol.
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