Once I added tidal and Spotify to the BluOs app on my phone it's pretty easy. I can either go straight to the Tidal app on my phone and play through there or I can go to the BlueOs app and select Tidal and play it that way. I'm not sure if BlueOs updated their app but I found it pretty simple to use so in general I've been playing everything from Tidal but using the BlueOs app rather than the Tidal app. I think all I had to do was "add service" and that popped Tidal into BlueOs. And from the Tidal app there's a little speaker in the upper right hand corner and when you click on that it'll show you the BlueSound as a destination. But you have to be on the same wifi channel. So if you have multiple wifi options in your house, make sure you're on the same one as the BlueSound.
I get the Bluesond app to work OK. But with tidal connect, you are supposed to select the speaker icon in the bottom left. I don't get that icon