The football thread RenegadeMonster is looking for: NFL talk

what do yall think about tb snubbing the patriots in his farewell post? do you think he's actually going to sign a one day deal with the pats so he can officially retire from them (and they can retire his jersey or whatever)? that's the current rumor on reddit.
what do yall think about tb snubbing the patriots in his farewell post? do you think he's actually going to sign a one day deal with the pats so he can officially retire from them (and they can retire his jersey or whatever)? that's the current rumor on reddit.
Pats fans are effing babies. Tom gave them more than any fan base could ask for. He was retiring from the Bucs not the Pats and it’s seems completely reasonable and respectful to shine a light on the Bucs fans for today. He will be tied to New England for the rest of his history. No one thinks of Montana as a Chief or Jordan as a Wizard. Let Bucs fans get their moment.
Harbaugh to the Vikings! The NFC North is gonna get weird next season.
I have no idea if this will work or not. I do know U of M football is going to be weird for a bit too. They finally beat OSU and won a Big Ten title and he bounces...strange timing but I guess he figured he hit the ceiling.
what do yall think about tb snubbing the patriots in his farewell post? do you think he's actually going to sign a one day deal with the pats so he can officially retire from them (and they can retire his jersey or whatever)? that's the current rumor on reddit.
This is what I've seen too.

Commanders sounds like a team name from a movie where they don't pay licensing fees.
That town hall meeting was bonkers. I hope that organization never wins the Cup again.
I won't hash it out here since it's an NHL topic besides it being utterly shocking that being the response to a softball question. Man February is starting off roaring for sports owners. Can't wait to see how the rest of this month plays out for them...