The football thread RenegadeMonster is looking for: NFL talk

Rodgers and his huge deal is perfect for the Lions. He will flame out in a couple years, and the Pack will be cash strapped and need to rebuild right when the Lions rebuild will be done and they will take over the NFC North with QB to be named later.

On that Wilson trade; I'm surprised Denver gave up on Noah Fant already. I figured he'd end up being really productive once they got a better QB.
Really happy about Denver trading for Russ, it's a lot of picks but I think Russ is worth it. I saw some stat that said Denver has had the most starting quarterbacks since 2016 with 11. I'm not expecting anything crazy but it's nice to be excited for the season.

Holy smokes The Bears traded Khalil Mack to the Chargers. That Bosa/Mack pass rush is gonna be ferocious.

WTF with the AFC West teams loading up. Gonna be hard for the Chiefs to keep dominating that division with DEN & LA making these moves and the Chiefs needing a fairly large retooling of their defense.
Sheesh. Dude deserved better.

I think Baker is a very mediocre QB but he also didn’t allegedly sexually assault 22 women. I think Browns fan, who has been teasing Steelers fan about having a rapist for a QB for the past 20 years would be in a tough spot.

Same goes with The Falcons and Matty Ice. I can’t imagine the PR nightmare of trading one of these guys that have been leaders on their teams and ambassadors to their respective communities for Watson and all his baggage that comes with him. 22 civil cases aren’t going away any time soon.