The Funhouse - The Punks are all right

I did give this a listen while working on ductwork this weekend and enjoyed it. I think it probably would have been more impactful if I had lived with Zen Arcade a little longer. I feel a little like Ted Gioia talking about Louis Armstrong with this. Zen Arcade struck me because it was such a leap for the band. New Day Rising feels like a through line from Zen Arcade to Sugar which is the majority of my experience with Mould. It probably would have been more impactful without knowing Sugar, if that makes sense.
Totally makes sense. I progressed through Husker Du during the time and each record had a big impact on me. But coming to Flip Your Wig after hearing Mould's post-HD career would definitely feel different.
This morning, the book got me to listen to Youth Brigade (I really liked) and Government Issue (reminded me of the more pleasant Black Flag stuff). Needless to say, it is becoming apparent that I prefer DC hardcore to its West Coast counterpart. For the most part, it just seems more put together.
GI were and still are a big favourite of mine. Understand from Joy Ride will shred your face. I am a sucker for a good pick slide. Also later period GI (with Jay Robbin pre-Jawbox) like Crash and You are 2 of my favourite albums.
This morning, the book got me to listen to Youth Brigade (I really liked) and Government Issue (reminded me of the more pleasant Black Flag stuff). Needless to say, it is becoming apparent that I prefer DC hardcore to its West Coast counterpart. For the most part, it just seems more put together.
West Coast hardcore has its moments, but the super early pre-hardcore? That right there is my jam. Blasters, early X, Peter Case, John Doe, that whole scene leading right up to the hardcore kids taking over.

Also stitched a whole lot of my music sensibilities together where you start seeing the country and blue influence and transition to punk (plus Manzarek’s outsized contribution helped me place the Doors, who generally I’m meh about) into the whole picture of blues to rock landscape.

Punk has such a cool, great (albeit young) lineage. It’s just freaking great.
So, my colleague in the office is always running this rock radio station which is fine for me, but they just announced a concert With "Arguably, the best Punk rock band of all time is coming to town- the Offspring. and i just spat some of my tea over my keyboard"
I've listened to quite a bit of punk that I haven't reported here yet. This morning was Chalk Circle which was an 80's DC Scene band of ladies. It was very interesting, but not the mood I was in. I actually ended up listening to Green Day, lol. I will revisit though when the mood is right. I've also listened to The Faith (Ian MacKaye's little brother's band). Government Issue and Youth Brigade as well because of the Minor Threat chapter. Of course, all this DC hardcore has meant more Minor Threat and Fugazi, along with some more Bad Brains. In other listening, the generator thread pulled Television which I have a hard time calling the music Punk, but having read up on the album can certainly understand how it fits the ethos. I also have been ripping through the 33 1/3 podcast (shortlived series based on the books hosted by Prince Paul which is a Spotify podcast), the most recent one I finished was on the Ramone's first album with guest Mike Watt so a bit more Minutemen and lots of Ramones.
In the proto realm, New York Dolls was the record for the album generator over the weekend. I see more punk there than Television, but it definitely plays more like Glam to me. It's Bowie/Bolan with Jagger swagger.

My copy of this should show up tomorrow: Suburban Annihilation - The California Hardcore Explosion / From The City To The Beach: 1978-1983 - Deluxe 2xLP
That comp looks great. Lots to enjoy there - should be a fun listen (pretty sure I own at least 3/4 of those albums).