35.The second album I ever purchased on my own was Social Distortion- Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell, it was difficult not to add that one on my list because when you own less than 10 albums they all end up meaning something to you. Alas, Social D’s greatest impact was that they led me to discovering Stray Cats which I fell in love with and then led me to discover a whole slew of other bands that I ended up loving.
34. For some reason Jack Johnson gets so much hate, I mean really ugly stuff on a bullying level (save the bullying for groups like Crazytown and Creed). Whatever, I think he’s awesome and I love this album a whole bunch. Suck it.
33. I listened to this album a bunch in my preteens and always loved it. I lost touch with it when I was busy destroying my eardrums with a Nu Metal stage. Then in 2004 I got a nice pair of headphones and listened to this album and it was seriously mind opening. I’d never heard it like that before and it became a quick favorite all over again.
32. This is a hidden gem of an album not a lot of people have heard of before. And if you believe that you’ve been in a coma for like the last 26 years. It’s good, I’ll let others do the real talking on it.
31. I truly believe there’s a Costello album out there for everyone. There’s a lot of his I don’t care for but this is just one hell of an album, it flows wonderfully from start to finish and makes me want to cry-dance.