The Needles & Grooves May 2024 Omniversal Spin Challenge Arkestra

May 30 - The Sky Is A Sea Of Darkness When There Is No Sun To Light The Way

Something I haven't played in a while.

Sea At Last ‎– Atlas
Gypsypop Records ‎– none, 2013/2017

#317/1200 - 700 on Clear w/ Blue Marble (500 of flesh colored vinyl)

Cut by Alex Nimmermann at SST
Pressed at Pallas


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Huge thanks to everybody who played along and is still catching up. This was a really fun challenge to put together, especially in conjunction with Marshall Allen's 100th birthday this year. I wish I'd kept up better on doing write-ups for every song chosen; I still want to do so and may pick away at it here and there through the next couple of months. We'll see. Either way, it was super cool to see where people took these prompts, and very exciting to see that people were engaging with the songs throughout the month. I've truly had a blast.

Here's what my month looked like:
chart (98).png

Three of these were second spins. Besides that I was able to keep myself limited to Fresh Grabs and Backlog to get through the month, which provided extra levels of fun AND challenge.