Nee Lewman
Site migration side effect @RenegadeMonster is working on it.I had a George Costanza "A ha" gif ready to go for this but can we not insert images anymore?
Site migration side effect @RenegadeMonster is working on it.I had a George Costanza "A ha" gif ready to go for this but can we not insert images anymore?
Yeah, I Much prefer Dub to roots reggae.Funny. I love dub but reggae bores me to death.
The Doors - The Doora
The Doors - The Doors | Album | AllMusic
The Doors by The Doors released in 1967. Find album reviews, track lists, credits, awards and more at
I agree, but unlike Psychocandy, I' m kinda bored by this. I mean, there's plenty to enjoy and be impressed by here: The opening guitar lines of The End, the drums on Break on Through and Morrisons phrasing and lyrics are some examples. But yet, I think I like the idea of The Doors more than actually listening to them. Score: 3 starsThis record is in the JAMC 'Psychocandy' camp in the respect of nothing before it sounded quite like it. A brave, brazen debut. Sublime.
The Doors - The Doora
The Doors - The Doors | Album | AllMusic
The Doors by The Doors released in 1967. Find album reviews, track lists, credits, awards and more at
The Doors - The Doora
The Doors - The Doors | Album | AllMusic
The Doors by The Doors released in 1967. Find album reviews, track lists, credits, awards and more at
Ha! I know nothing about this band my initial response was that it sounds like a Neil Young/CSNY rip off. I guess that makes more sense now.Buffalo Springfield - Buffalo Springfield Again
I am not familiar with this band, at all.
Good start, Rolling Stone riff in there, amongst the fuzzy, reversed guitar solos.
Stills and Young are in the band, I see.
It is feeling a bit uneven at the moment, no real flow or connection between the tracks.
Decent listen, a bit patchy, but overall it's alright.
3 / 5 stars.
Buffalo Springfield - Buffalo Springfield Again
Buffalo Springfield Again - Buffalo Springfiel... | AllMusic
Buffalo Springfield Again by Buffalo Springfield released in 1967. Find album reviews, track lists, credits, awards and more at
I don't know that I've actually listened to any of their albums properly but I've always been much more into Buffalo Springfield than CSN(Y) with whatever exposure I've had to each (in the case of Buffalo Springfield it was mostly the CD copy of Retrospective that I had back in high school.) This album starts really strong but then dips into the mostly okay/good category before closing quite strong as well. It's no surprise to me that two of my three favourite tracks were written by Neil Young and make for great album bookends. Richie Furay's "A Child's Claim to Fame" is my other favourite here.
The Doors - The Doors
The Doors - The Doors | Album | AllMusic
The Doors by The Doors released in 1967. Find album reviews, track lists, credits, awards and more at