The Official Needles and Grooves 1001 Album Generator Project (aka Preachin’ about the Preachers if today’s selection sucks)

This record is in the JAMC 'Psychocandy' camp in the respect of nothing before it sounded quite like it. A brave, brazen debut. Sublime.
I agree, but unlike Psychocandy, I' m kinda bored by this. I mean, there's plenty to enjoy and be impressed by here: The opening guitar lines of The End, the drums on Break on Through and Morrisons phrasing and lyrics are some examples. But yet, I think I like the idea of The Doors more than actually listening to them. Score: 3 stars
The Doors - The Doora

I am reminded of the many times I used to put 'The End' on the jukebox in my local pub, hear 30 seconds of it and then it being rejected and the barmaid giving me my quid back.

"Who put that bloody song on again?!?!" jt4527? Here's your quid back!!!!!

The Doors for me are a band I can not think about, not listen to for years and then immediately jump right back in without skipping a beat. I think I secretly and very subtly love The Doors very much.

Classic album, brilliant!

5 / 5 stars!
The Doors - The Doora

The Doors was the first Classic Rock album I ever purchased (a CD from Walmart). I listened to it a lot in Junior High. Haven’t spent much time with it since. I should give it a listen here soon.
Buffalo Springfield - Buffalo Springfield Again

I am not familiar with this band, at all.

Good start, Rolling Stone riff in there, amongst the fuzzy, reversed guitar solos.

Stills and Young are in the band, I see.

It is feeling a bit uneven at the moment, no real flow or connection between the tracks.

Decent listen, a bit patchy, but overall it's alright.

3 / 5 stars.


Buffalo Springfield - Buffalo Springfield Again

Buffalo Springfield - Buffalo Springfield Again

I am not familiar with this band, at all.

Good start, Rolling Stone riff in there, amongst the fuzzy, reversed guitar solos.

Stills and Young are in the band, I see.

It is feeling a bit uneven at the moment, no real flow or connection between the tracks.

Decent listen, a bit patchy, but overall it's alright.

3 / 5 stars.
Ha! I know nothing about this band my initial response was that it sounds like a Neil Young/CSNY rip off. I guess that makes more sense now.

I'm about half way through. I like it so far. I can't say it's anything blind blowing but it's been a nice listen.

The Doors! One of the most overrated bands of all time. Boring never ending music as a backdrop to pathetic junkie cod philosophy that’s got undeserved kudos because music journalists are generally not that clever. 1/5


Buffalo Springfield. Pleasant non essential fare. Only album of theirs that should be on this list is that other one with that song we all know. 2.5/5 rounded down.


Buffalo Springfield - Buffalo Springfield Again

This one came up on my personal challenge a little while ago:
I don't know that I've actually listened to any of their albums properly but I've always been much more into Buffalo Springfield than CSN(Y) with whatever exposure I've had to each (in the case of Buffalo Springfield it was mostly the CD copy of Retrospective that I had back in high school.) This album starts really strong but then dips into the mostly okay/good category before closing quite strong as well. It's no surprise to me that two of my three favourite tracks were written by Neil Young and make for great album bookends. Richie Furay's "A Child's Claim to Fame" is my other favourite here.

The Doors - The Doors

@avecigrec in his twenties would have given this a five in seconds with no second thought, even though this was never even my favourite Doors album. I feel far less enthralled with Jim Morrison than I did in my early twenties especially. While I very much enjoy @Joe Mac's take and don't find myself called to listen to them very often, I do still enjoy The Doors and feel like this is a damn solid debut. 4/5
Doors… I fucking hate Morrison. However, the energy of this album is undeniable. I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again…. You only need the first and LA Woman albums. The music is great. Even with the awfulness of the End, this gets five stars from me.

Buffal Springfield again. A wildly uneven album with some great Neil Somgs, never comes close to the debut album as a whole. 4 stars.