The Official Needles and Grooves 1001 Album Generator Project (aka Preachin’ about the Preachers if today’s selection sucks)

You know that's my dumb ass accidentally attaching a link I used 4 posts back. Disappointed you even asked.

I have a track record.
I mean I spent the last twenty minutes of my night be yelled at by a staff member who has an attitude problem because they continue to get reports filed on their attitude. I am harassing them and making things up according to this unhinged person. So I’m not quite right in the head yet.
I mean I spent the last twenty minutes of my night be yelled at by a staff member who has an attitude problem because they continue to get reports filed on their attitude. I am harassing them and making things up according to this unhinged person. So I’m not quite right in the head yet.

Here we go again - your so-called 'career' interfering with you wasting time on the internet.

k.d. lang - Ingenue

Oh wow! I haven’t heard KD Lang in years. This is totally 80s Dad’s car tapes nostalgia.

k.d. lang - Ingenue

Fun Canada-fact. This cassette was given out at Petro-Can gas stations (along with a Share the Flame glass) to every female customer for Mother’s Day 1993.
Kd lang - ingenue

I don’t think I’m capabale of thinking about this album critically.

She had been a country artist before this album. She was quirky and strange, her songs full of humor.

In the three years between Absolute Truth and Twang, she came out as a lesbian and to further alienate herself from a still very conservative musical genre - she became an outspoken animal rights activist.

With this album she transitioned to an adult contemporary artist. She was suddenly doing music that more closely resembled what you would hear in nightclub and more likely some seedy French place. The production and vocals immaculate.

The album itself is very much about unrequited love and is an emotionally complex work from an artist who not only reinvented herself but stepped out with new confidence and a bit of a cavalier devil may care attitude not accepting compromise with her audience. It is an artist saying this is who I am and my desires and if you don’t like it, I don’t really care.

Five stars.
Is that on this album? Spotify is weird sometimes. It shows it on the album but it has a different album cover when you play it.

To me it only sounds vaguely familiar.
I mean if I play the track off of this album it shows it as the album. It shows the most played track by her as the song but from a compilation.
Kd lang - ingenue

I don’t think I’m capabale of thinking about this album critically.

She had been a country artist before this album. She was quirky and strange, her songs full of humor.

In the three years between Absolute Truth and Twang, she came out as a lesbian and to further alienate herself from a still very conservative musical genre - she became an outspoken animal rights activist.

With this album she transitioned to an adult contemporary artist. She was suddenly doing music that more closely resembled what you would hear in nightclub and more likely some seedy French place. The production and vocals immaculate.

The album itself is very much about unrequited love and is an emotionally complex work from an artist who not only reinvented herself but stepped out with new confidence and a bit of a cavalier devil may care attitude not accepting compromise with her audience. It is an artist saying this is who I am and my desires and if you don’t like it, I don’t really care.

Five stars.
The Adult Contemporary sound was when she came on my radar as a kid. I didn’t learn about here earlier (and IMO far superior) country music until much later. This isn’t an album that I would ever choose to listen to but I do find her to be a very talented singer/songwriter nonetheless.
I mean if I play the track off of this album it shows it as the album. It shows the most played track by her as the song but from a compilation.
Weird, I played the album and it shows it as the last track but the album art shows for Recollection. I recently switched back to Spotify recently and it's constantly reminding me how screwy it can be sometimes (not just because of this. I'm not that petty.)
I mean why have it listed as the 25th anniversary edition and then not have the unplugged available? What the fuck kind of nonsense is that?