The Official Needles and Grooves 1001 Album Generator Project (aka Preachin’ about the Preachers if today’s selection sucks)

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R.E.M. - Document



This is a fucking great album! I was familiar with the big two singles, of course, but from start to finish this is just fantastic. "It's the End of the World as We Know It (And I Feel Fine)" may be overplayed and joked about too often, but it's just a beastly good tune. I think the final two songs are my favourite, but I feel like my favourites may dance around this album with every listen.

Also, I don't know how it took me this long in my life to make the connection that R.E.M. and The Tragically Hip are like poetry rock cousins. It definitely would have been interesting to have Stipe and Downie collaborate.
R.E.M is one of those bands that were almost consistently great throughout their entire career. Sure, they felt less relevant and became a bit stale in the last decade before they quit, but even those efforts are objectively good to great albums. I discovered them, like most people, with Losing My Religion and Shiny Happy People on MTV. I can still remember the thrill of discovering their entire back catalogue back then, with each album I picked up being better than the one before. ”Document” isn’t even my favourite of their 80s stuff (close call between ”Lifes Rich Pageant” and ”Murmur”) and may not even breach the top 5 of all their albums in total (nothing beats Automatic, and Out of Time or New Adventures might snag number 4 and 5), but it’s still a solid 5 star album. That’s how good they were in my opinion.
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It took me a long long time to like REM. First becoming aware of music in the early 90s meant my earliest top of the pops memories etc are littered with all their chart topping FM rock ubiquity. I wasn’t keen.

But then in my late 20s someone played Murmur for me. And it was good. Really fucking good. And it’s still my favourite of theirs. So then I worked through all their independent stuff. And it was all really good too. And now I even like the chart topping stuff.

I love, love, love R.E.M. up to and including Monster, and then i just......


Luckily, this is one of their best albums and it is amazing 😁
I kinda stopped loving them after Monster as well, but then a friend of mine persuaded me to really give New Adventures a second chance, and now it’s one of my favourites. And I decided to give the rest of the late stuff a second chance too, and some of it is….just really good!
“Losing My Religion” was all over when I was a child. I enjoyed it but it seemed like “old people music” to me at the time. Then Automatic For The People came out and I loved that record, I casually followed them forward from there. It wasn’t until I was in college and learning about the history behind Alternative/Indie Rock that I learned about how loved, respected they were by many of the bands I enjoyed their earlier albums were immensely influential on many of them. I eventually did a deep dive into their back catalog and was blown away at just how fantastic those earlier albums were.
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For anyone that follows my music wheelhouse, it's probably surprising that I've never heard that Ash album. Listened to a good half of it on my way to work, and am definitely gonna be getting familiar with that one. The Weezer comparisons mentioned are very accurate. It really reminded me of a grungier/muddier Weezer without the pop shine.
Fucking youngsters. Fucking Automatic came out when I was in college. I had a copy of Green when Out of Time Hit, but I certainly knew other stuff. My brother was really into them. Took him to see them on the Accelerate tour which is how I came to listen to Modest Mouse and The National as they were on the bill:
R.E.M. ~ Document

Listen To Me........

Love how prominent and well recorded the drums are on this. Not only a great album musically but also production wise. Document came out when I was in college and and when I had just broken up with my high school girlfriend. The One I Love hit just right at the time for sure, such a bitter song.
