The Official Needles and Grooves 1001 Album Generator Project (aka Preachin’ about the Preachers if today’s selection sucks)

Pre helmets.

This is one of my all time favorite music videos. That being said, this is the first time I've actually listened to this album. It's about what I expected. I've never been a huge electronic fan. I actually prefer the more analog sound of Random Access Memories. However, if I was in the mood for something along this line, this album would do just fine. I'll go 3/5
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Spiritualized - Lazer Guided Melodies

I don't remember anything about Ladies and Gentlemen We Are Floating in Space, I only remember hearing it around the time of its release and not really being into it at all. Part of this probably stems from one of the HMV coworkers with a bit of a snobbier bent who has cropped up a couple of times throughout these challenges as well. Either way, this is the first time I've listened to Spiritualized since back then, and I can dig exactly why I wouldn't have liked it much back then, and why I do like it very much now. Will definitely be revisiting this, and likely their entire catalogue. 4+


Daft Punk - Homework

This would've been a 4 back when and is still a 4 now. I definitely liked the "big beat" stuff a bit more than the house-y stuff, but this still slaps!

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George Harrison - All Things Must Pass

This was Day 9 of my personal [paused/abandoned] project...

Took me three sessions to get through this one due to life and kids. Basically one record each session (but streamed because I don't have this one). Going in, I wondered if the length of it may be detrimental at all, but it most certainly isn't. Front to back this thing is packed with absolute goodness - and I don't believe that's the bias of George being my favourite Beatle speaking. The man could write amazing songs. Shame on Paul and John for shunning them, but also yay for us - because this got put out into the world. Not a wasted moment on here. "It's Johnny's Birthday" may be a bit of a lark, but it's short enough that it doesn't grow tiresome. And the Apple Jams after two discs of great songs may well be my favourite part of the album. Five stars; must acquire.
The best post Beatles Album by one of the four. George had been ignored or regulated to a minor role in his former band, meanwhile he developed all his songs into this. A powerful statement of music and spirituality, it’s actually unparalleled in western music. A cracking roster of guests. Phil Spector’s best production outside of his his own Philles sound. 5 stars
Never been a huge The Who-fan, but I really liked this album! I had only heard the classic singles, and I expected this to be mostly filler like most debut pop albums of this era. But songs like The Good’s Gone, A Legal Matter and It’s Not True are almost as great as the title track and The Kids are Alright. 4 stars!