The Official Needles and Grooves 1001 Album Generator Project (aka Preachin’ about the Preachers if today’s selection sucks)

I want to say you are strange man, but I can’t lie. The Stevie is great. Culture Club puts a big fat smile on my face that doesn’t fade for quite a while.
Yeah, I understand his sentiment, sometimes music that is important and music that is fun don’t overlap, in the case of Stevie, I personally find his 70s output to be both important and fun.
Yes. Yes. i can or i wouldn’t have given it a five.

Like I said yesterday, Talking Book and Innervisions are probably 5's for me. For Songs... I'd say that for me a third of it is great, a third is good and a third is just filler. And it doesn't help that some of my least favorite songs on it are 7+ minute tracks.

I listened to Chic today on my walk with Amelia and enjoyed it quite a bit. It's probably a 3 or 4.
Like I said yesterday, Talking Book and Innervisions are probably 5's for me. For Songs... I'd say that for me a third of it is great, a third is good and a third is just filler. And it doesn't help that some of my least favorite songs on it are 7+ minute tracks.

I listened to Chic today on my walk with Amelia and enjoyed it quite a bit. It's probably a 3 or 4.

It’s a trip, an experience. Not every song needs to be a killer single to be a good song for me.
It’s a trip, an experience. Not every song needs to be a killer single to be a good song for me.
True. Somewhere along the way, (cough the nineties cough) there were albums made around a hit single and filler became a bad thing. Filler in the context of making an album work is awesome… filler to reach whatever level of content the label has decided you need to hit is bad.

That being said if he dislikes a third of the songs, yeah, it shouldn’t be a five.
C’est Chic would get a four EXCEPT At Least I Am Free is truly dreadful. It almost drags it to a 2, but I’m gonna stand firm at a three. If that song was removed and all of the songs were edited a bit, it could be a masterwork. I see how it is great dance floor fodder though and the hooks and musicianship are all wonderful. It’s programmed well and they definitely had a feel for how music (especially dance music) should work. In many ways it is more sophisticated then a lot of the music we listen to in this project. Just needed someone going “uh no,” and “can we take these 15 bars out?”
C’est Chic would get a four EXCEPT At Least I Am Free is truly dreadful. It almost drags it to a 2, but I’m gonna stand firm at a three. If that song was removed and all of the songs were edited a bit, it could be a masterwork. I see how it is great dance floor fodder though and the hooks and musicianship are all wonderful. It’s programmed well and they definitely had a feel for how music (especially dance music) should work. In many ways it is more sophisticated then a lot of the music we listen to in this project. Just needed someone going “uh no,” and “can we take these 15 bars out?”

Is this where I say that At Least I Am Free was my favorite song on the album 😂