The Official Needles and Grooves 1001 Album Generator Project (aka Preachin’ about the Preachers if today’s selection sucks)

Made it to I’m Set Free on the way home. This is probably my favorite thing I’ve heard by Reed/Velvets. It’s gut a folk feel not dissimilar to like Guy Clark and Van Zandt and them sitting around the house just jamming it out. This is 1000 percent my kind of thing.
Made it to I’m Set Free on the way home. This is probably my favorite thing I’ve heard by Reed/Velvets. It’s gut a folk feel not dissimilar to like Guy Clark and Van Zandt and them sitting around the house just jamming it out. This is 1000 percent my kind of thing.
I think their self titled is probably their most critically acclaimed/popular release outside of Velvet Underground & Nico and I love it but it’s my least favorite overall.

My VU album rankings:

01.) Loaded
02.) White Light/White Heat
03.) Velvet Underground & Nico
04.) Velvet Underground

Still all four of their official albums are five star albums in my book.
I think their self titled is probably their most critically acclaimed/popular release outside of Velvet Underground & Nico and I love it but it’s my least favorite overall.

My VU album rankings:

01.) Loaded
02.) White Light/White Heat
03.) Velvet Underground & Nico
04.) Velvet Underground

Still all four of their official albums are five star albums in my book.
I mean this probably makes sense, I lean more folkie acoustic, you lean more noisey jangly.

I don’t know that I’ve ever listened to Loaded. I never really felt like I fully digested & Nico and never moved on from it.
I think their self titled is probably their most critically acclaimed/popular release outside of Velvet Underground & Nico and I love it but it’s my least favorite overall.

My VU album rankings:

01.) Loaded
02.) White Light/White Heat
03.) Velvet Underground & Nico
04.) Velvet Underground

Still all four of their official albums are five star albums in my book.
I might put VU just behind Nico. For a comp it hangs together quite well

The Velvet Underground - The Velvet Underground

(the actual album is only the first 10 songs to After Hours)

I give a Lou Reed album ONE compliment and this is what I get????
The Jimi Hendrix Experience - Electric Ladyland
My personal least favourite of Hendrix's 3 main albums, though that's mostly because of the length. Still a really good album and a 60s psychedelic rock essential! Strong 4/5
favs: Voodoo Child (Slight Return), Voodoo Chile, Gypsy Eyes, House Burning Down
least fav: Burning of the Midnight Lamp

I'll get to the back-to-back Lou Reed either later today or tomorrow.
Time of the Seaon alone places The Zombies in the pantheon of 60’s British psychedelic rock. The album basically didn’t exist until the song surprisingly became a hit two years after its release and the band had broken up (although now they play the oldies circuit and I believe still release material).

It is one of the oddest albums in the classic rock canon. It plays like some twisted Kingston Trio album of songs The Beach Boys and Pink Floyd collaborated on and never released. It’s all Mellotron and harmonies and deeply deeply strange. But then again these guys wore capes to their Rock and Roll Hall of Fame induction.

Prime British weirdness.
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The Zombies - Odessey and Oracle

This was a totally new discovery for me! I had heard some of their singles before, but never heard of them having a "lost masterpiece". And initially, this feels like just that, a lost masterpiece. Although I have some reservations towards psychedelic rock as a genre, I really digged this. Will return, for sure! Score: 4 stars (which might be higher with repeat listenings).
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The Zombies - Odessey and Oracle

I am behind, and lazy, so I'll start from here!

Awesome so far, could have been released today, sounds very fresh and new to me!

Ooh, I've heard 'This Will Be Our Year' before, great song.

And 'Time of the Season'!!

I enjoyed that, would listen to that again.

3 / 5 stars.
My 3 copies of this album...

1st is the 2nd US pressing from 1969 w/ alternate cover and more hype for "Time Of The Season" - as it was a pretty big hit song.

2nd is the 1974 compilation of tracks that includes Odessey And Oracle in full on the 2nd LP

3rd is a somewhat recent pressing (~2003 pressed at Record Industry) that seems to have used a lot of artwork and credits from the 30th Anniversary Edition from 1997. It's ok.

My play copy is usually the 1969 pressing, but surprisingly, the 2nd LP in the compilation sounds pretty good, too. The newer one also sounds fine.

The 1969 copy doesn't sound all that great, but it works for the music.

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N.W.A. - Straight Outta Compton

I cannot listen to, nor rate, this album.

I bought it a while ago, cheap on CD because I felt it was one of those records you needed to own and managed to listen to it all the way through once since then.

This is not for me, it wasn't made for me, it is not for me to understand.

I'm sure we've all blasted a bit of 'Fuck Tha Police' and sung along with abandon, claiming that we are 'Straight Outta Compton', but after that it gets, for me, very uncomfortable.

I don't like it, I don't like the themes, I don't like the language, I don't like the attitudes.

But then, I'm not supposed to.

Did not listen / rate.

Oh, and I hate Easy E's voice.