The Official Needles and Grooves 1001 Album Generator Project (aka Preachin’ about the Preachers if today’s selection sucks)

Another interesting bit in the wiki:
Upon hearing mixes of session tapes in early 1980, Atlantic Records A&R executive John Kalodnerdeemed the album not commercial enough for release, and recommended Atlantic drop Gabriel from its roster. "Atlantic Records didn't want to put it out at all", Gabriel told Mark Blake. "Ahmet Ertegun said, 'What do people in America care about this guy in South Africa?' and 'Has Peter been in a mental hospital?' because there was this very weird track called 'Lead a Normal Life'. They thought I'd had a breakdown and recorded a piece of crap ... I thought I'd really found myself on that record, and then someone just squashes it. I went through some primordial rejection issues."
Record company execs are a weird bunch.
This is the moment that Gabriel took control of his solo career and forged the path forward. It is the first accomplished album he produced after leaving Genesis. It is a landmark album in its style and impact on music for the next decade. He would only reach higher with subsequent projects both in ambition and popularity. I'm not quite sure that I agree with the general consensus that it is his masterpiece. I would probably give that to Us. However, it is brilliant and perfect, especially given its difficult subject matter. 5 stars (I would also give 5s to So and Us, it's been a minute since I listened to Security I'm not sure what I would give it.)
I recently posted how I was unaware that Lemmy was in Hawkwind and then stated that both bands are not exactly blind spots, like I know they exist and I know that I like their music, I just don’t know them. I’ve listened to this album before for sure. Looking forward to spending some more time with it over the next 23 hours. (Certainly seems like good tired drive home music)
I recently posted how I was unaware that Lemmy was in Hawkwind and then stated that both bands are not exactly blind spots, like I know they exist and I know that I like their music, I just don’t know them. I’ve listened to this album before for sure. Looking forward to spending some more time with it over the next 23 hours. (Certainly seems like good tired drive home music)
Motörhead is biker crank in music form. All their songs and albums sound almost exactly the same but it’s such a great fucking song I never grow tired of it.
Motörhead is biker crank in music form. All their songs and albums sound almost exactly the same but it’s such a great fucking song I never grow tired of it.
One of my impressions on this first listen tonight was that they remind me a bit of AC/DC, lol. I mean this both in the if it ain’t broke don’t fix it approach to the music composition but also in the crunch and seediness aspects as well. I know there are some that would see this as an insult but coming from someone that owns a copy of almost all of AC/DC’s albums in one form or another, I ain’t putting it out there as a disparaging remark.
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Motörhead - Ace of Spades

The thing that always set Motorhead apart for me was they were about 45% metal and 55% punk even though they always got lumped into the metal category. That slight lean toward speed and Lemmy's Rickenbacker bass tuned more like a guitar created a special sound.

Not on this record but a great example...

Bummer everybody on the cover has checked out.
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Peter Gabriel - Peter Gabriel (AKA 3 or Melt)

Dark and creepy.

Twisting and turning.

Sometimes a bit cheesy and "of its time".

'Games Without Frontiers' is great.

Decent listen, lovely stuff.

3 / 5 stars.
So Jimi Hendrix.

First of all, this is an artist I know well. Like even with the beatles I have a few things outside the canon studio albums, but I don't really have EXTRA stuff. Hendrix, on vinyl, I have live stuff, studio albums, various configurations of post humous stuff. The Beatles are my favorite band of all time. I reach for them way more often, but man I am deep on this cat too.

Anyhow, this album brought me to think of the Beatles specifically because as is known, I love Rubber Soul - it is my favorite album by them. and now I am on the record as stating that I believe Abbey Road is better, possibly the best rock album ever, actually. Anyhow, this is similar. I am more likely to reach for Axis or Cry of Love, but man I think this album is perfect and up there with Abbey Road and Dark Side definitive statements by the premiere performers in their genre.

Now I am gonna give this quite a few listens over the next few days and hopefully write about the record and why its so damn good. Scoring should be obvious a 1, oh wait, 5 stars.
So Motörhead. The ace of spades is a fun song. Everything else always sounded like a slightly less good version of that song on repeat.

Couldn’t ever warm to Lemmy. His big collection of Nazi memorabilia “because he liked the imagery” that he thought was ok “becuase he had lots of Jewish girlfriends” always kinda pissed me off.
So Jimi Hendrix.

First of all, this is an artist I know well. Like even with the beatles I have a few things outside the canon studio albums, but I don't really have EXTRA stuff. Hendrix, on vinyl, I have live stuff, studio albums, various configurations of post humous stuff. The Beatles are my favorite band of all time. I reach for them way more often, but man I am deep on this cat too.

Anyhow, this album brought me to think of the Beatles specifically because as is known, I love Rubber Soul - it is my favorite album by them. and now I am on the record as stating that I believe Abbey Road is better, possibly the best rock album ever, actually. Anyhow, this is similar. I am more likely to reach for Axis or Cry of Love, but man I think this album is perfect and up there with Abbey Road and Dark Side definitive statements by the premiere performers in their genre.

Now I am gonna give this quite a few listens over the next few days and hopefully write about the record and why its so damn good. Scoring should be obvious a 1, oh wait, 5 stars.

Jimi was so far ahead of the rest of us. It's evident in his music. He was from another planet, another plane, another existence.

He was also so advanced musically, he could identify timeless sonic perfection in real time.

Jimi opened a show with a cover of 'Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band' 3 days after it was released with members of The Beatles in attendance.

'Nuff said...
