The Official Needles and Grooves 1001 Album Generator Project (aka Preachin’ about the Preachers if today’s selection sucks)

No worries, I am on a very important zoom meeting. I just have to just stop giggling at all the comments or people will think I am having a breakdown
Meh… I’m pretty sure all my coworkers are convinced I have had one and playing the Eagles when I get to work will only cement this for them.

Probably not, given their baffling musical taste, those younguns probably like the Eagles more than the Beatles.
I’d ordinarily agree but the fact that it is just so bland and kinda exemplifies a world view that might be kinda acceptable in the hue of dystopian cynicism just isn’t in the widescreen Technicolor celebration it’s given. Plus the song Hotel California genuinely disturbed me as a young child.

Fuck the eagles and the pendulum can never swing too far away from this turd burger of a band.
They just aren't worth the hate. it's like hating the color sienna. They are basic, neutral, white bread. Their popularity is confounding but their music is completely okay.
They just aren't worth the hate. it's like hating the color sienna. They are basic, neutral, white bread. Their popularity is confounding but their music is completely okay.

I dunno hating on Glen Frey, Joe whatshisname, the dickhead singing drummer and the other guy seems perfectly rational to me…

They’re totally also the colour skidmark on once white grundies brown.