The Official Needles and Grooves 1001 Album Generator Project (aka Preachin’ about the Preachers if today’s selection sucks)

The Black album was my first favorite album as a 9/10 year old just discovering music on my own. Something I'm sure a lot of rock fans of my generation can say. It sat right along side 'Nevermind' for a lot of young kids in the 90s. It was, and still is everywhere on rock radio, so it definitely made its mark. It's also one I definitely grew out of by the time I reached high school, and came to appreciate what they did before this album much more. I still love The Unforgiven, and dont need to ever hear Enter Sandman again, but I still think its a decent album. I'd give it a 3.5/5 maybe rounded up to a 4 for nostalgia sake, and it's imprint on a lot of young kids taste.
Also, yeah I mean the second half isn’t all bad, it just pales in comparison to the first half.
the most telltale sign of this is that the times the band has done a full album play of this, they play it back to front so all the hits come at the end of the show. it's honestly a much better flow to the album in some ways, but it's also really hard to not put on this one and know immediately that Enter Sandman should be first.
the most telltale sign of this is that the times the band has done a full album play of this, they play it back to front so all the hits come at the end of the show. it's honestly a much better flow to the album in some ways, but it's also really hard to not put on this one and know immediately that Enter Sandman should be first.
I might make a back to front playlist.
Because I love rankings:

1. Ride The Lightning
2. Master of Puppets
3. And Justice For All
4. Black Album
5. Kill em All
6. Load
7. Hard Wired
8. Death Magnetic
9. Reload
10. 72 Seasons (only listened to this once so not really sure)
11. St Anger

I'll leave out Garage, Inc and any other comps/live albums/lulus
I find it has a really narrow sound stage, especially when listening with headphones
I suppose I probably grew up listening to it on the equivalent to a boombox with a wet blanket over it, or out of a well beat-up stock stereo system of an 80s Toyota MR2, so any remastering jobs since then have sounded much better than I ever remembered.
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Metallica - Metallica

The last great Metallica album in my book, although not my favorite of theirs (that would be “…And Justice For All”, mostly because that was were I discoverd them. The bad production is part of the appeal. It sounds raw and unrelening. Anyway, I digress.)
After Justice Metallica could only do one of two choices, either turn even more extreme and become either a death metal act, or they could try to write a hit. “One” had already proven that they could appeal to the mainstream as a minor MTV hit, so the choice wasn’t that far fetched.
To me The Black Album is the soundtrack to almost every house party in my mid-teens were there was always some metal heads insisting on on playing Sad But True at highest possibly volume, clearing the room of everyone but themselves (and me if I was drunk enough).
A great album nonetheless, and when I listen to it now, a previously anonymous song like “Don’t Thread On Me” stands out as one of their best.