The Official Needles and Grooves 1001 Album Generator Project (aka Preachin’ about the Preachers if today’s selection sucks)

Running a little late today. I got this one on vinyl a while ago from a lovely person in the PIF thread so I gave it a spin.

I love Janelle Monae, not sure if ArchAndroid or Dirty Computer is my favorite of theirs. Could this probably be a few songs shorter? Yes.

Still a 5 from me though. Also loved them in Glass Onion!
So, I decided to join in the chaos of this thread the other day for The Flaming Lips. Hadn't listened to that in quite a while, and damn, I've almost forgotten what a gem that album is! Memorable tunes, great atmosphere and strange, rich lyrics. I've always preferred the weirdo noise pop of the 90s Flaming Lips, although I've still rated The Soft Bulletin as their strongest album per se. But I think I have to revise that thought now. Score: 5/5!

Janelle Monáe: I loved Dirty Computer when it came out, which also was my introduction to Monáe. This is my first time listening through any of her earlier albums beyond "the hits". A bit overlong but I like it and I will most definitely listen to this again and check out more from her. I still rate Dirty Computer higher overall, though. Score: 3,5/5

I will dive into the Eno one today. Eno is a big blind spot for me beyond his producer career and that album he did with John Cale in the early 90s, "The Wrong Way Up" (which I greatly enjoy to this day).
Brian Eno - Here Come The Warm Jets
Hmm, I'm not sure to make of it so far!

Funny noises, sure, why not.

There are no vocals on "On Some Faraway Beach" and it's the best song so far. Oh wait, there are, oh well. The piano playing is nice, though.

Not really blown away by this one. I liked the quiet ambient parts and I like the noisy loud freak out parts, the bits in between were alright.

2 / 5 stars.
9. 2/1/23
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Brian Eno - Here Come the Warm Jets

Allmusic review:

Needles in the Camel's Eye = pump this into my veins

The Paw Paw Negro Blowtorch - The title and start of the song take a huge nose dive from track one, but once the weird gets dialed up this gets great musically, and then he starts singing again and I want it to stop.

Baby's On Fire - Annoying vocals, but eventually rewarded with great guitar.

Cindy Tells Me - Vocals aren't bad on this one. Sounds like a swarm of bugs floats in and warps the traditional sounding pop song. I like this.

Driving Me Backwards - A mellower track, sounds like ducks with one of the effects. Not bad.

On Some Far Away Beach - As the title suggests this one is trying to transport you to a scenic landscape. It's very cinematic sounding.

Blank Frank - The album takes a turn here and it's less sonically interesting to me on this and...

Dead Finks Don't Talk - ...this.

Some of Them Are Old - The bending warbling strings are good on this one, but the vocals underwhelm.

Here Come the Warm Jets - The beginning of this has a very familiar sound that would fit on a lot of contemporary albums. A good end to the album.

More that I like on this than that I don't like. I've never really been pulled into Eno's solo stuff, but liked this one better than others that I've listened to. 3.5/5
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Currently on the second listen of Eno. It's starting to grow on me, but I still get a feeling that he had a lot more fun making this in his studio than I have listening to it, which is always a problem in my book. But still, there's some really great parts here that connects with me (the groove on Needles..., the menacing calm of Baby on fire, the guitar sound throughout) Verdict: a generous 3/5.
Brian Eno ~ Here Come the Warm Jets

Did not kick off like I expected, I dig the first song (Needles in the Camel's Eye)

Uh, the second one (PawPaw Negro Blowtorch) gets weird but I like the instrumental breakdown and pretty much all the parts where he isn't singing.

Baby's On Fire - Wow, this gets dark quick.

Driving Me Backwards - Again, like all the parts where he isn't singing. Like the droning background and guitar effects.

On Some Faraway Beach - The piano chord progression reminds me of Bob Seeger - Still The Same

Black Frank - Not gonna lie, thought this was They Might Be Giants at first.

Dead Finks Don't Talk - Oh no.

Some of Them Are Old - Sounds like we are hitting a Pink Floyd end of album crescendo.

Here Come The Warm Jets - nice close out.

2/5 on my "Will I listen to it again" scale. I can definitely see it's influence though.