The Official Needles and Grooves 1001 Album Generator Project (aka Preachin’ about the Preachers if today’s selection sucks)

I think the run of Transmission from The Satellite Heart > Clouds Taste Metallic > The Soft Bulletin > Yoshimura Battles The Pink Robots > At War with The Mystics is phenomenal. Embryonic was where I became a bit indifferent to their musical output. I prefer a few of their earlier albums to their post-Mystics releases.

*Zaireeka is hard to compare with their other proper albums based on the context in which it is presented but I have downloaded versions were it’s properly mixed, and if it were ever released officially as a “normal” album I would include it in with their brilliant run.
Have you seen the video bootleg of Zaireeka? Some guy created a DVD with all the tracks on the different 5.1 channels, and with video clips matching the tracks. Altered States, Requiem for a Dream, that kind of stuff. It's how I first listened to it, and it's great. Think I have an .mkv version of it on a drive somewhere...
Janelle Monáe - The ArchAndroid
I'm not really looking forward to this next hour.

I prefer her singing than rapping.

I'm liking the ballads more than the songs trying to be big dance floor bangers.

She's got a great voice.

This is quite the toe tapper (Come Alive (War of the Roses))!

There's some good fuzzy guitar playing on this record!!

This is about 20 minutes / 6 songs too long, bored now.

2 / 5 stars.
Archandroid - I was expecting something a bit more out there. This was more tame. It was fine but didn't really hold my attention. 2/5
This is an interesting take. It occurs to me as I listen this morning that when this came out it was very out there. It seems time has caught up with The ArchAndroid. Not a bad thing really.

We could all use more prog RnB space opera concept albums though.
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The Flaming Lips - Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots

Allmusic Review

"What is love and what is hate?
A calculations error"

from "In the Morning of the Magicians" is such a great lyric!

There are so many on this album. It's been a year or two since I've played it. Making my morning right now.

I came to this one a couple years after the fact - easily my favorite Flaming Lips, but I've also not delved too too deep in their catalogue.

I didn't do year-end lists in 2002, but if I were to do a revised one now, this would be top 3 for me.

Have you seen the video bootleg of Zaireeka? Some guy created a DVD with all the tracks on the different 5.1 channels, and with video clips matching the tracks. Altered States, Requiem for a Dream, that kind of stuff. It's how I first listened to it, and it's great. Think I have an .mkv version of it on a drive somewhere...
I have the 5.1 Zaireeka lying around somewhere, along with the official 5.1 Soft Bulletin and Yoshimi releases. Now I just need to get a surround sound player setup again, cause those were really well done.

I've told this story here before, but when the Soft Bulletin version was released it was a combo CD / DVD-A, and they had the wrong version of the CD shipped originally. When the replacement CD's were shipped, Michael Ivins (long time bass player for the Lips, he retired recently) hand wrote letters for each of the replacements. Always thought that was very thoughtful and reflected their commitment and appreciation of the fans.

The ArchAndroid

Metropolis Suite: The Chase was a fully realized statement from an artist who arrived confident and ready to change music. The concept was continued into The Achandroid which, unlike The Chase, is not concise and a little half baked. Its one real problem is it’s long. Metropolis feels like the elevator pitch and ArchAndroid plays like the three hour blockbuster and two hours in your bladder is really begging you to do something about the gallon of coke you drank. You kind of have to disengage but you don’t want to. Also like that summer blockbuster it’s a little all over the place. Like Coldwar really fits the concept but does Tightrope? It never lacks in inventiveness or swagger though. Like their idol Prince, Monáe actually does need a little editing and I think Diddy just threw them the keys to the studio. He was probably all like I’ve got this train wreck over here I’m trying to figure out, I don’t have time to edit your whole space thing. I don’t even know what Genorape means but you do your thing.

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Janelle Monae ~ The ArchAndroid

Unfamiliar with this album. Stream of thoughts:

Dance or Die is a jam.

Singing on Faster is a little timid.

More passion on Cold War, she lets go.

I can see why Tightrope has the most listens. Great beat and breakdown with the horns.

I dig the intro on Oh, Maker. Retro folky-soul. Would love to hear a full stripped down version of it.

Oh, Maker --> Come Alive --> Mushrooms & Roses is a very impressive run of songs showcasing different styles.

Don't like Make the Bus

Gets a little same-y at the end.

Overall enjoyed it. 3/5

(Also realizing I haven't rated anything under a 3 yet, going to have to rethink my rating criteria if this keeps up).
Janelle Monae ~ The ArchAndroid

Unfamiliar with this album. Stream of thoughts:

Dance or Die is a jam.

Singing on Faster is a little timid.

More passion on Cold War, she lets go.

I can see why Tightrope has the most listens. Great beat and breakdown with the horns.

I dig the intro on Oh, Maker. Retro folky-soul. Would love to hear a full stripped down version of it.

Oh, Maker --> Come Alive --> Mushrooms & Roses is a very impressive run of songs showcasing different styles.

Don't like Make the Bus

Gets a little same-y at the end.

Overall enjoyed it. 3/5

(Also realizing I haven't rated anything under a 3 yet, going to have to rethink my rating criteria if this keeps up).
Not necessarily, with the exception of Makeba, these have all been landmark albums considered important to/the best of their genre or scene. I’ve gotten one REAL stinker in my personal project so far.
#8 - Janelle Monáe - The ArchAndroid

I had only heard a few of these songs before, so I appreciate the impetus to give it a full go. In terms of influence, this to me sounds like a natural extension of what André 3000 was doing with The Love Below mixed with Prince at his most futuristic. Not surprisingly, it shares the strengths and weakness common to both, which means when it’s firing on all cylinders, it’s brilliant and when it’s not, it’s a bit of a mess. It also goes on way too long and while individual tracks are still good at the end, I was fatigued by the end even with breaking up the listens. A hard album to assess to be honest as it probably rewards repeat listens, but that’s not going to happen today.

Rating - 3.0/5
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