Have you seen the video bootleg of Zaireeka? Some guy created a DVD with all the tracks on the different 5.1 channels, and with video clips matching the tracks. Altered States, Requiem for a Dream, that kind of stuff. It's how I first listened to it, and it's great. Think I have an .mkv version of it on a drive somewhere...I think the run of Transmission from The Satellite Heart > Clouds Taste Metallic > The Soft Bulletin > Yoshimura Battles The Pink Robots > At War with The Mystics is phenomenal. Embryonic was where I became a bit indifferent to their musical output. I prefer a few of their earlier albums to their post-Mystics releases.
*Zaireeka is hard to compare with their other proper albums based on the context in which it is presented but I have downloaded versions were it’s properly mixed, and if it were ever released officially as a “normal” album I would include it in with their brilliant run.
I'm not really looking forward to this next hour.
I prefer her singing than rapping.
I'm liking the ballads more than the songs trying to be big dance floor bangers.
She's got a great voice.
This is quite the toe tapper (Come Alive (War of the Roses))!
There's some good fuzzy guitar playing on this record!!
This is about 20 minutes / 6 songs too long, bored now.
2 / 5 stars.
DittoI am aware of Janelle Monáe, but that's about it.
This is an interesting take. It occurs to me as I listen this morning that when this came out it was very out there. It seems time has caught up with The ArchAndroid. Not a bad thing really.Archandroid - I was expecting something a bit more out there. This was more tame. It was fine but didn't really hold my attention. 2/5
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The Flaming Lips - Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots
Allmusic Review
Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots - The Flaming ... | AllMusic
Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots by The Flaming Lips released in 2002. Find album reviews, track lists, credits, awards and more at AllMusic.www.allmusic.com
I have the 5.1 Zaireeka lying around somewhere, along with the official 5.1 Soft Bulletin and Yoshimi releases. Now I just need to get a surround sound player setup again, cause those were really well done.Have you seen the video bootleg of Zaireeka? Some guy created a DVD with all the tracks on the different 5.1 channels, and with video clips matching the tracks. Altered States, Requiem for a Dream, that kind of stuff. It's how I first listened to it, and it's great. Think I have an .mkv version of it on a drive somewhere...
Not necessarily, with the exception of Makeba, these have all been landmark albums considered important to/the best of their genre or scene. I’ve gotten one REAL stinker in my personal project so far.Janelle Monae ~ The ArchAndroid
Unfamiliar with this album. Stream of thoughts:
Dance or Die is a jam.
Singing on Faster is a little timid.
More passion on Cold War, she lets go.
I can see why Tightrope has the most listens. Great beat and breakdown with the horns.
I dig the intro on Oh, Maker. Retro folky-soul. Would love to hear a full stripped down version of it.
Oh, Maker --> Come Alive --> Mushrooms & Roses is a very impressive run of songs showcasing different styles.
Don't like Make the Bus
Gets a little same-y at the end.
Overall enjoyed it. 3/5
(Also realizing I haven't rated anything under a 3 yet, going to have to rethink my rating criteria if this keeps up).
Yeah, that's the one I was thinking of. I'd probably drop Makeba to a 2 ranked against this album.Not necessarily, with the exception of Makeba, these have all been landmark albums considered important to/the best of their genre or scene. I’ve gotten one REAL stinker in my personal project so far.
That’s what I get for typing on my phone. And apparently asses is common enough not be autocorrected.
That’s what I get for typing on my phone. And apparently asses is common enough not be autocorrected.