The Official Needles and Grooves 1001 Album Generator Project (aka Preachin’ about the Preachers if today’s selection sucks)

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The Kinks - Arthur or the Decline and Fall of the British Empire

Love this album and The Kinks. They are a band I enjoy a ton now since they were one I didn’t pay as much attention to in my formative years. I think it was Wes Anderson’s heavy use of Lola Versus Powerman And The Moneygoround on the Darjeeling Limited that inspired me to give them a deep dive. Arthur one of, if not their best album from a band that made a lot of great records.
I want to follow up on Deep Purple for a second. Having listened to a total of three of their albums now, the other being Fireball, they come off a bit like a heavy metal Grateful Dead. This on paper should be my thing, but it isn’t.
Me at work today when someone asks me to do something.

I didn’t care for Rage too much when they first hit. Mostly because I didn’t, still don’t, like Zach’s voice. They also felt a little pretentious, still do. However, I warmed up to them over the past decade or so. The band is incredibly tight. Morello is a lot but his guitar work is a lot of fun. The album is good but a little long, if you are working out or mowing the lawn or something it’s great but a critical listen gets tiresome after thirty minutes or so… it’s a lot.
I didn’t care for Rage too much when they first hit. Mostly because I didn’t, still don’t, like Zach’s voice. They also felt a little pretentious, still do. However, I warmed up to them over the past decade or so. The band is incredibly tight. Morello is a lot but his guitar work is a lot of fun. The album is good but a little long, if you are working out or mowing the lawn or something it’s great but a critical listen gets tiresome after thirty minutes or so… it’s a lot.
I played football in high school, Rage was a weight room staple along with Pantera and Metallica. I didn’t even really get the politics of it all until Evil Empire dropped. Beyond that it was very anti-authority which as a punk teenager was a big part of the appeal.
I played football in high school, Rage was a weight room staple along with Pantera and Metallica. I didn’t even really get the politics of it all until Evil Empire dropped. Beyond that it was very anti-authority which as a punk teenager was a big part of the appeal.
My athletic days were far behind me and I was a Sophomore in college when this came out. The singles were interesting but I really disliked his voice and they were so full of themselves.