The Official Needles and Grooves 1001 Album Generator Project (aka Preachin’ about the Preachers if today’s selection sucks)

Elastica is one of those bands that I dug the hell out of when this came out, and then forgot for a while, before the CD found it's way to my car where the cover was rattling around on the floor for many years so it was my go-to drive-music. So everytime I hear the riff to "Line up" I picture myself putting the gear into "Drive" and head out on the road. I haven't listened to it in quite a while now, but I remember seeking it out a couple of years ago but it wasn't on Spotify or available on vinyl at the time. It was fun to listen to it today.
Yeah, some of the songs are just blatant rip offs of Wire and other classic new wave bands, and yeah they're more attitude than actual quality content. But isn't that significant of most rock n' roll? Someone once said that rock music is like 85% attitude and bullshit and the rest is "roots", "quality" or "structure" or whatever (i.e the boring stuff), so it's generally the bullshit that we appreciate when we salute a band or an album. This album is great because of the attitude, the bullshit and Justine Frischmanns voice when she sings the word "night" in "All-nighter". The rest is just semantics.
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It was the nice comment that intrigued me. Her music is emotionally powerful and at times very, I was wondering if you still thought it was nice at the end.
Gotcha. To be honest I usually listen to my daily albums at work so I wasn't paying to much attention to the lyrics or anything. The "nice" was meant more as that I was enjoyed listening to it. Not that it was airy-fairy. Nope., no definitely not that.
Elastica is one of those bands that I dug the hell out of when this came out, and then forgot for a while, before the CD found it's way to my car where the cover was rattling around on the floor for many years so it was my go-to drive-music. So everytime I hear the riff to "Line up" I picture myself putting the gear into "Drive" and head out on the road. I haven't listened to it in quite a while now, but I remember seeking it out a couple of years ago but it wasn't on Spotify or available on vinyl at the time. It was fun to listen to it today.
Yeah, some of the songs are just blatant rip offs of Wire and other classic new wave bands, and yeah they're more attitude than actual quality content. But isn't that significant of most rock n' roll? Someone once said that rock music is like 85% attitude and bullshit and the rest is "roots", "quality" or "structure" or whatever (i.e the boring stuff), so it's generally the bullshit that we appreciate when we salute a band or an album. This album is great because of the attitude, the bullshit and Justine Frischmanns voice when she sings the word "night" in "All-nighter". The rest is just semantics.
This 100%. I swear we are siblings with different parents.