The Official Needles and Grooves 1001 Album Generator Project (aka Preachin’ about the Preachers if today’s selection sucks)

Well that explains the depth of sound with only a duo. Is this how they sound live? i.e. how much studio trickery is happening?
It’s all them. I am not sure what effects peddles they are using but there isn’t any studio manipulation going on. The videos linked on the previous page are live performances.

The don’t preform on a stage they preform in the middle of the floor with the audience completely encircling them.
I mean, i don't even think this is mood music. This is music that is just all gutteral and thought... if that makes sense. Like i don't see myself being I'm in the mood for Duel in the Deep, but I could be in the mood for experimental noise which is more of a concept than a feeling. I don't know how to explain it. This is really fucking cool though.
It's interesting because I'm doing the audiobook of Our Band Could Be Your Life and I've been listening to My War by Black Flag a bit and it occurs to me that part of what I don't like about some punk is its just kids making noise noodling on instruments. That's exactly what is happening here, but I love it. I think the difference is that what is happening here takes a level of musicianship and discipline that Black Flag did not have.
I mean, i don't even think this is mood music. This is music that is just all gutteral and thought... if that makes sense. Like i don't see myself being I'm in the mood for Duel in the Deep, but I could be in the mood for experimental noise which is more of a concept than a feeling. I don't know how to explain it. This is really fucking cool though.
You familiar with Battles who are an offshoot of Don Caballero? They have a similar vibe but they take the intensity down a notch or ten.
I remember checking Battles out a while ago. (What is Don Caballero?) I thought they had like a hip hop thing going on or am I thinking of something else.
Ha! Nah they are an OG Touch & Go band, instrumental post rock except with a more hardcore spirit. Their Drummer, Damon Che makes the band. I am not a Drummer so I can’t speak to the technical side of it but his rhythms are bonkers.
If you dig this you should also check out The Locusts. They are possibly even noisier.
I saw the Locust support the Yeah Yeah Yeahs once, and it's one of the few times I've seen such a varied reaction to a band - about a third pure hate, a third confusion, and a third (my third) loved it! Missed the chance to see Lightning Bolt a couple of times, which is a regret. When you're in the mood for it, they are such a good band.
My tip for a slightly more conventional take on this is Head Wound City - the Locust drummer plus the YYY guitarist. Has the same whirling dervish style drumming, but maybe in a more conventional form.

I'd also give Fungus II a shot, which is the Ty Segall and the Lighning Bolt Drummer.

I saw the Locust support the Yeah Yeah Yeahs once, and it's one of the few times I've seen such a varied reaction to a band - about a third pure hate, a third confusion, and a third (my third) loved it! Missed the chance to see Lightning Bolt a couple of times, which is a regret. When you're in the mood for it, they are such a good band.

I LOVE that kind of varied reaction so much. It's so rare, but so amazing when it happens!

Lightning Bolt - Wonderful Rainbow

Allmusic Review:

You’re in for treat! Lightning Bolt live is like a shot of pure adrenaline straight to the heart.

Um... this both has me excited and afraid.

I like the unhingedness of it all. that was impressive. Look forward to a few more listens. I'm sure my wife will HATE IT.

Yes. My wife hates this. I'm not allowed to play them when she's home.

Checking it out now, before the wife gets home from work and before the 5-year-old goes to bed - I'm very curious what he's gonna think.