The Official Needles and Grooves 1001 Album Generator Project (aka Preachin’ about the Preachers if today’s selection sucks)


Bob Dylan - Highway 61 Revisited

Allmusic Review:

My dad introduced me to Dylan when I was but a wee lad. He loved Nashville Skyline, which came out when he was 19. This was the first Dylan record I bought when I was 18 and had moved out to Portland. I played it till the grooves wore out while I pounded case after case of Milwaukee's Best Light. It's hard to give it any kind of objective listen because it feels like a favorite t-shirt. It doesn't even have any of my favorite Dylan songs on it, but as an album it is damn near perfect. 5/5
If I'm honest, not sure I've ever listened to this one. I have Maggot Brain. I'm embarrassed to say Parliament isn't that much better in my knowledge.

Definitely worth exploring. I'm generally more a fan of the Funkadelic side of things, but that's like saying I'm generally more of a fan of Dirty Mind than Controversy - both are obviously fantastic!
Definitely worth exploring. I'm generally more a fan of the Funkadelic side of things, but that's like saying I'm generally more of a fan of Dirty Mind than Controversy - both are obviously fantastic!
See that last part of your sentence is a whole lot of why I said I'm embarrassed. As a Prince FAN and a Sly FAN, it makes no sense that I haven't explored further.
Definitely worth exploring. I'm generally more a fan of the Funkadelic side of things, but that's like saying I'm generally more of a fan of Dirty Mind than Controversy - both are obviously fantastic!
Initially Funkadelic felt more psychedelic and Parliament felt more funky but it feels like as the 70s progressed the lines between the two groups blurred to a point that they were essentially the same group and it’s why they toured as the P-Funk All-Stars for the next 25 years.
There was a temporary installation called "Southern Oracle: We Will Tear the Roof Off!" by an artist named Heather Hart at the NC Museum of Art. Before the pandemic, I want to say in September of 2019, 9th Wonder did a Parliament/Funkadelic heavy DJ set where people in crazy space costumes danced all around it.

Here's a video, I haven't watched, cause I am listening to the album on YOUTUBE, about the installation.