The Official Needles and Grooves 1001 Album Generator Project (aka Preachin’ about the Preachers if today’s selection sucks)



Todd Rundgren - Something/Anything?

Allmusic review:

RIYL Playlist:

This is another one I've never listened to but the long length is definitely a turn-off
The Ben Stiller movie?
Yeah, but looks like this was already answered pretty well.
As far as the Modern Lovers, that s/t album is my favorite as I was listening to it way before I ever knew who Jonathan Richman was. Eventually I got around to I, Jonathan which would be my next favorite of his. I've been slowly buying up the rest of his catalog every RSD that Craft has been releasing a new reissue, as everything I've heard out of him has been consistently great. I'm looking forward to his 'Jonathan Does Country' reissue coming up this RSD.
You probably won't feel like listening to another hour of Rundgren, but I really really love 'A Wizard, A True Star.'
Question, how does the album at hand rank for you. Not that it has any bearing on anything.,.. just curious. Like is this an outlier. Am I missing something here? It was weird, saccharine and LLLLLLOOOOOOONNNNNGGGGGG.... it was like all the worst parts of Bat Out of Hell distilled into a bland cocktail with a tortuous aftertaste.
Question, how does the album at hand rank for you. Not that it has any bearing on anything.,.. just curious. Like is this an outlier. Am I missing something here? It was weird, saccharine and LLLLLLOOOOOOONNNNNGGGGGG.... it was like all the worst parts of Bat Out of Hell distilled into a bland cocktail with a tortuous aftertaste.
If I had to rate it, probably a 2.5/5. There's a handful of songs I love off of it, but as mentioned, way too much of a drag to get through. I remember buying the record though! Probably 10 years ago when I could get good used records at half price books for under $10. Don't think I've listened to it since except for a few songs. A Wizard, a true star is a lot weirder, and spacier, and much more fun to listen too even though S/A is usually considered his best.
Question, how does the album at hand rank for you. Not that it has any bearing on anything.,.. just curious. Like is this an outlier. Am I missing something here? It was weird, saccharine and LLLLLLOOOOOOONNNNNGGGGGG.... it was like all the worst parts of Bat Out of Hell distilled into a bland cocktail with a tortuous aftertaste.
Also looking at the tracklist right now, it's really top heavy, and the first like 1/4 of the album is pretty strong then just tails off for 160000 hours.
The Modern Lovers - The Modern Lovers
Punk Rock Jim Morrison?

Who's that other band, hmm, Velvet Underground?

This is pretty uninspired proto-punk with someone trying to be Ray Manzarek in the background so far.

The bass playing is very good.

Some of these lyrics are sounding very sixth-form college deep poetry-esque.

This wasn't terrible, but I didn't really like it that much.

2 / 5 stars.