The Official Needles and Grooves 1001 Album Generator Project (aka Preachin’ about the Preachers if today’s selection sucks)

I was just having this conversation with my SO the other day. She watches a lot of garbage reality TV and one of the shows she loves is Below Deck. It’s kinda like a shittier modern reality version on Downton Abbey on a mega yacht. Anyways on this show there was a British chef that was being a total dick to someone and every time he offended a fellow crew member he would always fall back on the “it’s only a bit of banter, mate” excuse. So I was saying that I feel like the term is way too often used as a cop out instead of what it’s actual intent which in my estimation seems to be a bit of a witty back and forth between pals.

And do you know what. Sometimes some of that is actually totally ok with your mates because you don’t necessarily mean it literally and you know what crosses the line and there’s generally a context. It seems that British lad culture hasn’t realised that it actually isn’t fun to the wider world and maybe acting like that to strangers on the net or people you’ve just met or who you work with just makes you a dick, not a fun banter merchant!
A classier word for shittalk but also prolific use of ****, which seems to be the one word North Americans are most terrified by. Go figure.
I wish we could freely drop **** as openly as them, the word just phonetically sounds amazing. One syllabic curse words beginning and ending in hard consonants is very satisfying.




All fanatics swears.

Edit: Holy smokes I didn’t realize N&G was censoring C.U.N.T. I thought @avecigrec was jus being a modest Canadian gentleman.
I wish we could freely drop **** as openly as them, the word just phonetically sounds amazing. One syllabic curse words beginning and ending in hard consonants is very satisfying.




All fanatics swears.

I lived with an English woman for a time and definitely use the word far more than most around here as a result. I tend to forget until people who are liberal with f-bombs are all shocked by the c-word! :ROFLMAO:

I agree, it's very satisfying!
A classier word for shittalk but also prolific use of ****, which seems to be the one word North Americans are most terrified by. Go figure.

Yeah again if I was out with a group of lads I knew very well it’d be dropped regularly. It’d definitely draw looks and be taboo in general conversation! Fuck tends to be nowhere near as offensive these days as it was when I was younger. So long as it’s all adult company it’s kinda almost become as acceptable as shit.
I wish we could freely drop **** as openly as them, the word just phonetically sounds amazing. One syllabic curse words beginning and ending in hard consonants is very satisfying.




All fanatics swears.

Edit: Holy smokes I didn’t realize N&G was censoring C.U.N.T. I thought @avecigrec was jus being a modest Canadian gentleman.

I don’t think they did initially. That might have partially been drunk Joe’s fault…
The whole point of the group project is to have a feel for the forum’s thoughts on these albums! You’re not messing anything up.

If the joking bothers you, I am happy to stop. I do not mean them to be hurtful. In much the same way we rub @Mather over everyday being his birthday or all his records are bowls (but not the dungeon, we KNOW that’s real) or I’m dumb or how @Joe Mac is a former child chimney sweep…. It means you are one of us!

Bro, don’t mind @Lee Newman (or me for that matter). It’s nice to get other opinions. we are just a small tight knit community and like to take part in a bit of; what I think you Brits call,“banter”. Just tell Lee to fuck off. He won’t be offended. I apologize if anything I have said has offended ya. Don’t quit participating.
It's all good, dudes, my brain likes to make things difficult for me sometimes.

I got plenty more 2/5s left in me to cover the next ~3 years 🤣
I haven't spent a lot of time with Dark Side Of The Moon but I do like it. And we saw Roger Waters perform it at Coachella.

I never liked it particularly but then the 7 million condescending pricks who’ve since tried to explain to me that I actually don’t know what I like and must really be kidding myself and love this indisputable masterpiece have made me hate it with a passion.