The Official Needles and Grooves 1001 Album Generator Project (aka Preachin’ about the Preachers if today’s selection sucks)

Maxwell - "Maxwell's Urban Hang Suite": "Modern Rn'B" or "neo-soul" is not really my go-to genre under most circumstances, and this is pretty much the epitome of the genre. Slick, well produced and well played. But after a couple of songs I lose interest and at the last song I'm fast asleep. A can appreciate the talent at display here, and in small doses, in the right context, this is enjoyable, but at almost an hour of the same mid-to-slow tempo soul jams, I just lose focus after a while. Score: 3/5

Alice Cooper - "Billion Dollar Babies": A favourite hard rock album from the 70s, and it actually hold up pretty strong to this day. I like how the band pushed the boundaries of traditional "verse-chorus-verse" songwriting on a lot af their most enduring songs from the 70s (case studies here: "Billion Dollar Babies", "No More Mr. Nice Guy", "Generation Landslide" and "Elected"). And just check how the sugar sweet pop/rock-bliss of "No More Mr. Nice Guy" is subverted with some truly grim lyrics. This is essential listening. 4/5
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Alice Cooper - Million Dollar Babies
I don't really know what to make of Alice Cooper. I'm far too young to have caught the good years (the 70s, at least according to Allmusic ratings) and well, he wasn't relevant at all to my growing up in the 80s.

Nothing much to say, I've heard "Elected" a million times.

Was that Paul McCartney?

2 / 5 stars.


Alice Cooper - Billion Dollar Babies

Allmusic Review:

I like Alice Cooper the person more than Alice Cooper the musician. One of my roommates in college turned me on to his radio show which was really good.

I've never listened to a full Alice Cooper album before this one, so that was kind of fun to do and I did enjoy it more than I thought I would, but it's not really my jam. 2.5/5

Ted Nugent can suck a fart direct from my source and die. Only Kid Rock deserves the honor of being compared to him. When they die their cremated remains should get dumped in a construction site porta-poddy so they can be crowned as the kings they are one last time.
My thoughts on "Billion Dollar Babies":

I'm not a big fan of the more theatrical side of Alice Cooper's persona which does bring this album down a bit for me. I still enjoyed it for the most part though. 3/5
favs: No More Mr. Nice Guy, Billion Dollar Babies, I Love the Dead
least favs: Mary Ann, Sick Things

oh yeah, and "Maxwell's Urban Hang Suite" is a 5/5 btw

Maxwell - Maxwell's Urban Hang Suite

Allmusic Review:

RIYL Playlist:

This still slaps. As soon as the post went up I was sure it was a 5/5 for me, but it'd been a few years so I had to be sure. And, yes, very much still a 5 out of 5 for me. So tasty. Love the bass, love the groove, love the sexiness. Love it all.


Alice Cooper - Billion Dollar Babies

Allmusic Review:

I'll take Alice Cooper over AC/DC, Aerosmith and the like any day. Which isn't to say I'll go out of my way to listen to him very often, but I do enjoy it when I do. I appreciate what he was doing when he slipped into the shock rock routine and it makes the music more enjoyable for me, personally. Solid 3/5
I'll take Alice Cooper over AC/DC, Aerosmith and the like any day. Which isn't to say I'll go out of my way to listen to him very often, but I do enjoy it when I do. I appreciate what he was doing when he slipped into the shock rock routine and it makes the music more enjoyable for me, personally. Solid 3/5
I really enjoy AC/DC and actually dug Aerosmith until I found out that Tyler was the creepiest of creepers.