The Official Needles and Grooves 1001 Album Generator Project (aka Preachin’ about the Preachers if today’s selection sucks)

I'm surprised 'Angel Dust' isn't on the list as well because I prefer it to 'Introduce Yourself' 'The Real Thing', but I also prefer Mr Bungle to Faith No More (but the old Bungle, not whatever they want to call this new Bungle).

I was shocked to see that 'Epic' has significantly more streams that the rest of the album put together, not the best song on the record.

It's alright, not as good as I remember.

3 / 5 stars.

[Edit] I meant 'The Real Thing' rather than 'Introduce Yourself' of course.
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I don't think I hate this Diving Comedy as much as everyone else but it's not my favorite. I'm listening at work so I'm not really paying attention to the cringy lyrics. I don't really like the overly dramatic, crooning vocal style. It's fine to listen to once but it doesn't really have any elements of what I'm looking for to be considered Britpop. I don't feel the need to listen to it again. 2/5.
Faith No More ~ The Real Thing

Was only familiar with Epic, surprised that its an outlier on the album sound wise. Woodpeckers from Mars I really like as a soundscape, and Zombie Eaters might be the standout track. Is the keyboard player using a Hammond B3 on at least some of the tracks, sounds like it? Bonus points for that. Does get a little same-y, 3/5.

Faith No More - The Real Thing

Allmusic review:


This one came up on my personal project a while back. Was the first time I listened to this particular album. I was familiar with Angel Dust before and a handful of songs off King for a Day... On a second listen I feel pretty much the same as I did previously:

"I definitely think I dig later FNM more than this one but will be listening to it more for sure. Which isn't to say I dislike it by any means, I just feel like things got better once Patton and the band had a bit more time together. Given that the music for this was already recorded and Patton basically wrote and recorded his parts over it in under two weeks after having just joined the band at barely two decades of age, I'd say that this is actually a damn fine album."

This is the one album I bought because of this project when I first started my own.
It's one of a handful so far that I will more than likely buy one day. Kind of trying not to buy as much this year. So far, I don't really think that is playing out, at least from a $$ standpoint. I don't think I'm bringing the quantity in, but I might be spending the same amount of money.
I liked this one a lot! I can't say that I'm an expert on salsa music in any sense, but I have a chilean friend who tends to take over the stereo at every party and play salsa or other latin stuff. He's talked a lot about Willie Colón too, so I have probably heard some of this before. Reading up on him and his acitvism and political career just makes me like this even more! Score: 4 stars!