The Official Needles and Grooves 1001 Album Generator Project

Got to say, I'm not hearing anything overly offensive with this album. Sure, with any combination of rock and orchestras there's going to be some songs that work and some songs where it doesn't. In general I'd say the early songs don't work as well with an orchestra but the 90's songs it actually works out better. I do agree that it's an odd choice to include this over some other Metallica albums. However, this album was kind of a big deal when it came out so there's that part of it too. Objectively I'd say it' a 3/5. Nostalgically it's a 4/5 for me.
Too be fair 95% of the posts are Newman stream of consciousness where he hits Post Reply at the end of each thought instead of writing one long post like a normal person
Shit post gonna shit post…

Also, could you even imagine reading that as one post? Why do you want me to sound like Trump?
Sometimes when I'm lying awake at 1am unable to sleep, a stream of Newman posts live listening to an album is a comforting site. Then I know I'm in for a fun listen the next day.
I do enjoy a good shit post tirade when I ride my exercise bike in the morning. Now if I could just teach Siri to read them to me, with voice getting higher and higher with each post.
Can you imagine the conversation at Metallica HQ?

Lars: James, hear me out, I have a great idea. We do a concert with the symphony and film it so we can sell both the album and the video.
Lars: You aren’t listening. We play with the SYM. PHO. KNEE
James: More money? I’m in.
Kirk: Hey guys look at me I am drinking my chocolate milk with a spoon.
At least the Cypress Hill with the London Symphony Orchestra was pitched at the Simpsons writers room. Now they're running with it for the lulz.
I’m sure I won’t express this as eloquently as I’d like, but as I start listening to this again, I think I’ve figured out what makes me react so strongly to it. So classical music is more static than rock music by its very nature. It is reserved. There can be expression, but it is nuanced.

Rock is the opposite of that, it is guttural and on the edge of falling into chaos. Metallica should be dangerous (and this is some of the issue with the band post Black album in general - they became pop and lost the ability to be dangerous as a result).

By combining the two in a live setting both have been robbed of what makes them special. Neither art form is allowed to breathe, the symphony has to act in such away that it doesn’t destroy the music should the band go a little too far one way or the other.

And Metallica can’t be as off the cuff as they normally would. It’s why James comes off so corny through out all of it… it’s a show that’s been rehearsed to death and his moments of manic showmanship are forced through that filter of rehearsed to death.

Everything that makes both art forms special is lost. So we get a caricature of both… it resembles both and is neither. It’s almost a new thing but is just off. They’re able to let the symphony shine through the instrumental pieces at the beginning but never find a way to let the band be the band.

Sure things like Fuel are better than their recorded counterparts but it’s such a low bar to begin with.