I discovered Sonic Youth by accident when I was like 15 years old and mostly listened to metal and some punk. I friend of mine taped a Metallica bootleg on a C90, and on the b-side he had taped over "Goo" by Sonic Youth (he didn't like it), so when the Metallica boot ended about fifteen minutes into side B on the tape, this weird noise appeared (as it turned out, the second half of "Mote"). I hated it at first and just turned off the tape and then rewinded side A again. But after a while I just let the tape roll and I kinda started to dig the following songs. Shortly after this, Nirvana exploded with "Teen Spirit" and I remember finally picking up (the complete) Goo on CD on the same day I also bought Nevermind. So they're a gateway band for me, in that they opened up my taste in new directions. I do have a weak spot for their early 90s albums, but Daydream Nation is probably still their most accomplished effort. A friend of mine once said that Sonic Youth ain't that different to a band like AC/DC or Rolling Stones, in that they have a formula that they follow through on every album, and while I'm not really that sure I agree with her, I guess this is the album where they perfected that formula. Still a solid 5 stars!
I discovered Marquee Moon a couple of years later when I read about it in a music magazine that wrote it up as this huge influence on 90s alternative rock. I bought it on CD and was blown away by it. Listening to it today was just as rewarding as when I first heard it. This is a timeless classic, and an album that continues to shape how rock music sounds. Score: 5 stars.