The Super Thread - All Things Marvel/DC/Etc

See, The Dark Knight wouldn't even crack my top three Batman movies personally... I guess I prefer my comic book movies with a bit of a camp. To me, The Batman hit the perfect note of taking itself seriously and having a darker tone while still feeling like a comic book come to life (not to imply comics can't be serious, but you know what I mean). I see why people love the Nolan films and I can put on The Dark Knight and enjoy it, but I'm much more likely to go for something like one of the Burton movies because they appeal to my tastes more.
I absolutely can understand and respect that. I guess my thing with this one is, I don't think it knew it was being camp. Whereas the Burton films HEAVILY leaned into it and were very much in on the joke.

That being said you have convinced me to re watch, I will endeavour to think of it as a comic strip put to film. And see how that goes for me.
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I absolutely can understand and respect that. I guess my thing with this one is, I don't think it knew it was being camp. Whereas the Burton films HEAVILY leaned into it and were very much in on the joke.

That being said you have convinced me to re watch, I will endeavour to think of it as a comic strip put to film. And see how that goes for me.
I'm excited to give it a rewatch on HBO Max tonight. I wonder how seeing it in the privacy of my home vs. the theater will impact my feelings, if at all. But I hope you do enjoy it more on your second watch whenever you decide to do so!
Yes! I haven’t yet watched the new one and though I enjoyed the Nolan movies the Burton Batman films are my favorite. They feel like a comic book come to life.
I don't know if this will make sense, but while I think Heath Ledger probably gave the better overall performance, Jack Nicholson is still my personal favorite live-action Joker. He's the only iteration off the top of my head that managed to be both genuinely menacing and genuinely funny in equal amounts. (Heath did have a couple good darkly comedic moments, to be fair.)
The audio in the movie also might be the best I've ever heard in terms of how hard hitting everything is. That car engine is bonkers.
This completely. It was so BIG sounding in the cinema. The rumble of the car scene rattled my bones.

I can't wait to rewatch it at home to do a comparison like @gaporter. Its going to be different but I still imagine it will be good.

On a side note, this is pretty cool:

I will concede The Batman did feel longer at home than it did in the theater, but I think part of that can also be chalked to me having just seen it only a month prior as well. I still love it and on second watch, it definitely rivals the Burton films for my personal favorite live-action Batman movie.
The Batman was kinda boring, yeah? If it was a ten episode drama, I might've stopped watching at the third episode, but eventually returned for Dano.

In regards to Moon Knight, Marvel should either release their short seasons as movies or release all of the episodes at once. I feel as if they're doing a disservice to their stories by releasing episodes weekly.