The Technics Turntable Fan Club - Questions, Advice, Discussion

For a direct drive, it’s probably not user serviceable as the spindle is directly connected to the motor. The motor itself may be askew. At that point, I’d be looking to either send it into KAB Electronics for repair or to seek a replacement. Before doing either, I’d consult a service manual on Vinyl Engine.
Yeah, went with the 100C.....was going black any way i went.

Styli i have:
Currently on the AT i have the VM540ML
I have a VN760SLC that i needed a new stylus for as the one i had got damaged (me being dumb story)
I also have a VM N 95 C and E - one came with the AT table...the other i had on the old SL1800 (i think), not sure where it came from.

Next move will be a MC at some point to play with different sound.....I have a Cambridge Duo phono pre I am not using as it was used when i had the Marantz AV amp and with the Hegal 190v i am using their phono stage

Hence with money saved on the table i can play a bit down the line.
The Hana SH is a great gateway into MC carts if you have a phono like the Cambridge Duo. The Duo has good MM input quals for its price point and the SH can leverage that input. The SH Mk 1 models are still available at reduced cost. The SAE 1000LT is an even better deal if you can find one.

If you think a more advanced MC phono or a SUT is in your future, you can use the Hana SL on the Duo MC input as a starter. However, I don’t think that combo would be as good as the SH with Duo for the longer term.

Edit: A quick check suggests that the MM input on the Hegel is at least as good as that of the Cambridge Duo. Same SH recommendation applies.
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It’s scraping on the bottom, close to the speed control

View attachment 227551View attachment 227552

Warped platter? Or is the spindle not straight?
Given the age, I would also check to see if the plinth is straight. It looks like that might be an MDF plinth, which will undoubtedly corrode over time. Especially if it's been exposed to humidity or temperature changes.
If that's the case, it's likely more trouble than it's worth to fix it.