Here we go:
I'm a tad obsessed with Swordfishtrombones at the moment! Holy shit is this a monster of a record! I'm again just flooded by this, I'm actually glad it took me this long to really dig into Tom Waits, I don't think I'd be as open it this 10 or 20 years ago but now it's just perfect! I am finally starting to understand why he gets so much praise, if this album was only 16 Shells from a 30.6 it would be perfect but fucking In The Neighborhood exists!!! What a fucking song, good god that one just gets in your head, in your bones and is like, well I'm here now, we are together forever, enjoy! Musically it seems like it shouldn't work sometimes but it does and boy does it hit, it's a little all over but no matter what road he travels down it works! The instrumental pieces are amazing for fuck sake, and the lyrics are again so dense you can listen over and over and still catch new lines and turns of phrases! I'm not sure what it says about me but this isnt all that weird, it's the perfect next step or evolution of him as an artist!
Moving on finally, next up is Rain Dogs, this was actually the record that started this whole thing. I signed up for the 1001 album generator thing and when this came up I actually got excited, he's been on my to listen to list forever and this was the nudge I needed and after listening to it I was like, where to next? This is a problem I see sometimes when I find an artist and want to dig into their work but there's so many records you just don't know where to start! I usually start at the beginning but sometimes that's a bad idea because artists can take time to find their sound or get into a grove or even find themselves, this wasn't the case here, as I said that first record really floored me! This record starts with a sea shanty and follows it up with one of the most catchy songs I've heard in ages! Clap Hands is still running through my head! Back to the sea and he's really cooking, lyrics just painting such a vivid picture you feel like you're right there with him, you're a little scared but you aren't going anywhere, you're staying until the end! The storytelling on this is just amazing, it's almost like he took a leap so far forward that you just smile and say, oh I'll eventually catch up to you just give me a couple hundred more listens, and don't worry I'll enjoy the hell out of all of them! Can we just stop for a second and just all listen to Tango Till They're Sore?!?! That horn, those lyrics, Jesus! It's on repeat at the moment! Goes on a really nice run after that, great tracks a few different styles, musically it's just so good, like I'm not sure who his band is, if he even has one but whoever is playing is just killer! Time is hitting right now, good lord! It just gets better and better with each song, I don't feel like I can write enough words to explain how much this is blowing me away! I feel like I've used a lot of words so far and still haven't scratched the surface! Oh you want poetry, here you go, let that just take up a permit residency in your brain! I like how the back half of the record he is just going through different styles and nailing them all! My wife just asked "why do I know this song?" It's fucking Downtown Train and here I thought this was a Rod Stewart song all my life until today! Holy shit, that one two punch to end the record is just perfect!!! This got a little out of hand but as you can tell I'm really enjoying this!