This Time It's Personal: The November 2023 Record Challenge Thread

November 6

Play an album that is a perfect representation of one of your favorite musical genres. Why do you like this genre so much? What are some other artists/records that you’d recommend in this genre?

Lush - Spooky

Shoegaze has always had a hold on me (see Nov 3). This album is a great introduction to it. It is the perfect amalgam of Jesus and the Mary Chain and Cocteau Twins
November 3
“Hey, this is our song! Remember?”

What record will forever remind you of that special someone, a relative, or a good friend and why? What does it remind you of doing with them? (ahem, keep it clean)

This record, along with some Carly Simon, Neil Diamond, Barbara Streisand and a few others were always being spun by my mom on
the hi-fi when I was a young lad in the 70s. Too Late and So Far Away really get to me sometimes when I'm missing her. She's been gone since 2000, but now it feels even longer...she has missed so much in our lives.

Carol King - Tapestry

November 6
“This is probably in my top 5 favorite acid-funk alternative jazz -country albums of all time.”
Play an album that is a perfect representation of one of your favorite musical genres. Why do you like this genre so much? What are some other artists/records that you’d recommend in this genre?

Jimmy Smith "Root Down" (1972 Verve; 2016 reissue)
I like a lot of different genres, but let's go for one that appears to be somewhat maligned, organ jazz. Personally, I enjoy it quite a bit. I love that greasy sound of the organ and the funky jazz that usually goes with it. The Hammond B-3 is pretty much still king of the genre - lots of great players like Larry Young, Lonnie Smith, Jimmy McGriff, Big John Patton, Jack McDuff, Booker T Jones and Delvon Lamarr, but Jimmy Smith to me is the guy. Root Down is a good place to start I think. A great live soul-jazz-funk set with an anchor of familiarity for fans of the Beastie Boys.

November 6
“This is probably in my top 5 favorite acid-funk alternative jazz -country albums of all time.”

Play an album that is a perfect representation of one of your favorite musical genres. Why do you like this genre so much? What are some other artists/records that you’d recommend in this genre?

We goin Power Pop with some Sloan for this one, and this is a great one of theirs. Moments of ELO, bubblegum, and poppy goodness. Sometimes you need some music that’s not always a total bummer, and I have a lot of that too. Gotta have the uppers with the downers.

Some others in the genre you might enjoy - Big Star, Jellyfish, Cotton Mather, Teenage Fanclub, The Toms, 20/20, Fountains Of Wayne, E.L.O., Mike Viola, David Myhr, L.E.O., The Flashing Lights.

Sloan - The Double Cross

ovember 3
“Hey, this is our song! Remember?”

What record will forever remind you of that special someone, a relative, or a good friend and why? What does it remind you of doing with them? (ahem, keep it clean)

We’ll go with Mom on this one. This was not her type of music, but for some reason she enjoyed it and even more so the cover. When I was younger I’d always ask my parents to change the music and/or play it louder in the car and would get “you can do what you want when you have your own car” 😄 Then I’m older and she would tell me to turn my music down. But every time she’d get in the car when i was taking her somewhere I’d see her smile at that cover, so I’d play it a good portion of the time. Still didn’t want it loud, but all was good. Miss her!

Tortoise - TNT

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I've seen you play this countless times, and finally listened to it while out on a walk with the dog tonight. Really enjoyed the percussive forward nature of it, and it made for a great sunset soundtrack.
November 5
You: “Excuse me, but could you special order two records for me?”
Record store clerk: “Sure thing! Which ones?”
You: “um, Chicago’s 19 and also their fourth Christmas album”
Record store clerk: “Uhh…”
You: “I made the mistake of buying their first record and now I have to own them all.”

Which band/musician made you “go down the rabbit hole,” making you feel the need to buy everything they ever put out? What? You never did that? You have incredible will-power, you say? Ohhh well good for you! Play whatever you want then, I don’t care.

Julie Byrne - Not Even Happiness (signed)


It's not so much a "rabbit hole" with her music, seeing as this year's The Greater Wings puts her at three studio releases. I was someone who enjoyed Not Even Happiness years ago yet sparingly returned to it. Now, having been bewitched and consumed by the aforementioned The Greater Wings after only two relistens a week after the release date and feeling convinced to purchase it, I felt it only natural to also obtain this one and her very earthy and gorgeous debut Rooms With Walls and Windows, having found both for $18 and $8 each respectively. At the heart of her delicate, fragile, and earnest singer/songwriter identity, all three of her records are noticeably different in timbre. Julie's lower-register is what separates her from others of the same ilk.
She was so fantastic live back two months ago. ❤️ Maybe the best $18 I've spent this year?

November 2
“Yeah the record’s great, but you’ve GOT to see them live!”

What was one of your all-time favorite concerts that you’ve been to, who went with you, and where was it? If you’ve never been to a show, who would you love to see (or love to have seen) live? Digital high-fives will be given if you include photos from the show.

Still remember this show after seeing Alejandro so many times over the years. There used to be a piano against the back wall in this odd shaped room, and I jumped up and sat on it and had a great view. Alejandro’s voice was epic that night, and enthralled the crowd once again. Get a chance to see him, you’ll feel like he’s singing directly to you.

Alejandro Escovedo - Gravity

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Nice! I was at that show. Berbati's was such a great venue.
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November 6
“This is probably in my top 5 favorite acid-funk alternative jazz -country albums of all time.”
Play an album that is a perfect representation of one of your favorite musical genres. Why do you like this genre so much? What are some other artists/records that you’d recommend in this genre?

That's a complicated genre you used as an example.

Mine is a little more basic - loud distorted guitars.

I'm all for cranking everything past the breaking point, playing with reckless abandon and emotion and letting that feedback ring.

If there's anyone here hip to this version, I reckon it's @jamieanderson1968 and @gafacaode...

The Jesus And Mary Chain - Honey's Dead Remixes


November 7
You’re sitting at a red light, playing your all-time favorite song at full volume in your car when the driver in the vehicle next to you makes eye contact. This stranger looks concerned about you and mouths the words: “Is that OMC’s ‘How Bizarre?!’”

I know you bought an album that you had to order online because you were too embarrassed to buy it in person. Don’t be shy; play one of these “guilty pleasures.” Tell you what, to help out a bit: no explanation is necessary for this one.

Not ashamed of anything that i could think of quickly. This is a poppy gem that I just feel like playing.

The Go Go’s - Greatest

November 7
You’re sitting at a red light, playing your all-time favorite song at full volume in your car when the driver in the vehicle next to you makes eye contact. This stranger looks concerned about you and mouths the words: “Is that OMC’s ‘How Bizarre?!’”

I know you bought an album that you had to order online because you were too embarrassed to buy it in person. Don’t be shy; play one of these “guilty pleasures.” Tell you what, to help out a bit: no explanation is necessary for this one.

No shame in my game, I'm sure I purchased this happily in store.

Bruce Hornsby & The Range ~ The Way It Is

November 5
You: “Excuse me, but could you special order two records for me?”
Record store clerk: “Sure thing! Which ones?”
You: “um, Chicago’s 19 and also their fourth Christmas album”
Record store clerk: “Uhh…”
You: “I made the mistake of buying their first record and now I have to own them all.”

Which band/musician made you “go down the rabbit hole,” making you feel the need to buy everything they ever put out? What? You never did that? You have incredible will-power, you say? Ohhh well good for you! Play whatever you want then, I don’t care.

I wouldn't have found this rabbit hole without this community right here. I haven't delved in their live discography though. This is were I started.

King Gizzard and The Lizard Wizard - Nonagon Infinity



"VARIOUS" is at the top of the list
November 6
“This is probably in my top 5 favorite acid-funk alternative jazz -country albums of all time.”

Play an album that is a perfect representation of one of your favorite musical genres. Why do you like this genre so much? What are some other artists/records that you’d recommend in this genre?

RIYL R.E.M (especially the IRS era albums)

Various - Strum & Thrum - The American Jangle Underground 1983 - 1987


I've rearranged my gear and I'm testing a new pic setup. I realize now it looks similar to @Turbo 's style.... I'll try some other options.
November 7
You’re sitting at a red light, playing your all-time favorite song at full volume in your car when the driver in the vehicle next to you makes eye contact. This stranger looks concerned about you and mouths the words: “Is that OMC’s ‘How Bizarre?!’”

I know you bought an album that you had to order online because you were too embarrassed to buy it in person. Don’t be shy; play one of these “guilty pleasures.” Tell you what, to help out a bit: no explanation is necessary for this one.

Cheesy? Perhaps
Guilty? Absolutely not

Daryl Hall and John Oates - The Very Best of

Day 7: You’re sitting at a red light, playing your all-time favorite song at full volume in your car when the driver in the vehicle next to you makes eye contact. This stranger looks concerned about you and mouths the words: “Is that OMC’s ‘How Bizarre?!’”

This is one of my favourite pop songs of the 2020s so far & I have no shame in admitting that.

Sam Smith (feat. Kim Petras) - Unholy


The Disclosure remix goes hard af too.