Time for Some Play Action: The Fantasy Football Thread

Nah, it's fun to go down there and mess with them
I was just thinking about the Bears/Packers rivalry and as a Bears fan, it’s always felt very lopsided (in the Packers favor) but if the ultimate goal is Super Bowl Championships the Packers are only slightly more successful than the Bears in that regard. Over my closing in on 40 year lifespan The Pack have been to 3 and won 2 titles while The Bears have been to 2 and won 1 and if you consider how many division championship and playoff appearances the Packers have had combined between the Favre and Rodgers eras you could make a case that the Packers while certainly the better team also squandered way more opportunities and thusly much more of a disappointment overall.

…anybody buying this?
I was just thinking about the Bears/Packers rivalry and as a Bears fan, it’s always felt very lopsided (in the Packers favor) but if the ultimate goal is Super Bowl Championships the Packers are only slightly more successful than the Bears in that regard. Over my closing in on 40 year lifespan The Pack have been to 3 and won 2 titles while The Bears have been to 2 and won 1 and if you consider how many division championship and playoff appearances the Packers have had combined between the Favre and Rodgers eras you could make a case that the Packers while certainly the better team also squandered way more opportunities and thusly much more of a disappointment overall.

…anybody buying this?
Oh believe me, the amount of NFC championship losses eats me up time and time again. This year will be different though, right!? As disappointing as it always is though, I think I'd take being competitive every year over not though. You're not totally off though.
Oh believe me, the amount of NFC championship losses eats me up time and time again. This year will be different though, right!? As disappointing as it always is though, I think I'd take being competitive every year over not though. You're not totally off though.
These are the things I tell myself to justify my devotion. Also, the Bears have been nominated for Waaaaaay more Grammy’s…
I was just thinking about the Bears/Packers rivalry and as a Bears fan, it’s always felt very lopsided (in the Packers favor) but if the ultimate goal is Super Bowl Championships the Packers are only slightly more successful than the Bears in that regard. Over my closing in on 40 year lifespan The Pack have been to 3 and won 2 titles while The Bears have been to 2 and won 1 and if you consider how many division championship and playoff appearances the Packers have had combined between the Favre and Rodgers eras you could make a case that the Packers while certainly the better team also squandered way more opportunities and thusly much more of a disappointment overall.

…anybody buying this?
Also Rodgers might actually have a 0 spot (no wins and no appearances) if Cutler doesn't blow out his knee in the NFC championship. [Cutler probably blows it somehow still but it was still a game at that point].

Having 2 sure fire HoF QBs for as long as the Packers have should net you more than 2 SB 🤷🏻‍♂️.
I was just thinking about the Bears/Packers rivalry and as a Bears fan, it’s always felt very lopsided (in the Packers favor) but if the ultimate goal is Super Bowl Championships the Packers are only slightly more successful than the Bears in that regard. Over my closing in on 40 year lifespan The Pack have been to 3 and won 2 titles while The Bears have been to 2 and won 1 and if you consider how many division championship and playoff appearances the Packers have had combined between the Favre and Rodgers eras you could make a case that the Packers while certainly the better team also squandered way more opportunities and thusly much more of a disappointment overall.

…anybody buying this?
I feel like this is really an American thing to only care about winning a championship. Of course it's the ultimate goal, but as a fan I much prefer a to follow a team that is competitive as often as possible and has a fun style of play.

I'd rather my team be 2nd 5 seasons in a row, than win a championship 1 season and be in last place for 4 seasons.
Idk about you all but I'm pretty excited. Btw @panino Did we do 2 spots for flex last year or 1? If only 1 I motion for a 2 flex lineup still keep kicker and d too. Just because we r adding 2 ppl. I think it could be interesting
Only 1 last year but I'm game for 2.

14teamer with 2 flex. There will be some deep-cut players played in this league!
Idk about you all but I'm pretty excited. Btw @panino Did we do 2 spots for flex last year or 1? If only 1 I motion for a 2 flex lineup still keep kicker and d too. Just because we r adding 2 ppl. I think it could be interesting
tell me how/where to do it and I'll make the adjustment.


Is it here that I change flex (W/R/T) from 1 to 2?

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I have absolutely ZERO idea who I'm going to draft this weekend lol
me neither. with such a large group, it really depends on the draft order.

Note for all:
In case you are unable/unsure about attending the draft live, please set your preferences (priority players/do not pick players) and set up auto-pick ahead of sunday.
This will make the draft move faster for the people attending in person.