In retrospect, Humanz does feel like a pretty natural progression from Plastic Beach to me. I think it just was such a complicated and overblown piece of work with so many different factors at play... it's an album I just find so fascinating because it's just such a beautiful mess to me, from the rollout to the massive guest list to the "super deluxe" set. It's an album I admire while still being very aware of its flaws.
I think seeing the Reject False Icons documentary in theaters was what really helped turn my whole idea of the album around. Seeing the making of it in the studio and how it translated live was really a treat and you can tell Damon was really excited about working with all these new artists and talents on the record. It just didn't translate the way he wanted it to, I suppose, but I think that he made the album that he wanted to make and I can respect that.
I also may be one of like 17 people who unabashedly love "Sex Murder Party." That song is a jam, I don't care what y'all say