
Obviously. I played undertow and aenima obsessively, but never really got into lateralus and lost interst afterwards. I listened to the new single now and does nothing for me

Not a hot take at all! I see where you are coming from, I like the proggier, moodier stuff just as well.

Aenima is my favorite because it's an overlap of all of the above. I doubt Fear Inoculum will top that based on what I've been hearing.
Not a hot take at all! I see where you are coming from, I like the proggier, moodier stuff just as well.

Aenima is my favorite because it's an overlap of all of the above. I doubt Fear Inoculum will top that based on what I've been hearing.
I often am not drawn too much to current prog rock. Anything the bixlers did after at the drive-indrive-in also was not mine.if theres proggier stuff i like its mostly poppier 70s prog like genesis, pink floyd or marillion.
I'm 3/4 through my first stream, and so far this is 100% living up to the hype in my eyes. It's everything I wanted it to be.
I'm excited to get the CD tomorrow and see how it plays without the transitions. I have a feeling I'm going to prefer the CD version slightly.

So far Descending has been a major standout for me. This will be getting a lot of play over the next couple weeks. Every song is such a journey! So many songs end up in such huge heavy moments, but start to soft and subtle. Honestly one of my favorite elements that they have really mastered.

And now with a critical eye... I expect it to be well recieved overall, but I think a lot of people are going to say it's too much of the same ole. From a logical standpoint, I get that. From a fan view, it's perfect because if that.

*edit - I spoke too soon! Chocolate Chip Trip is insane!!!
I really enjoyed my 85 minute car ride to this album.
So many fucking wonderful moments.
“Legion Inoculant” is straight up alien abduction music...

...I replayed that one twice.
What a trip.
“7empest” is insane!

Not one bad tune, and honestly, it left me wanting more.
Which is great.
Hello! repeated listens.
Sitting at the office staring down wall to wall meetings on what's *supposed* to be the last Summer Friday and also Tool Day and basically rethinking nearly every life choice that brought me to this place as opposed to lying in the sun being lightly toasted in Central Park with Fear Inoculum in my headphones
Seems like the only choice you made was not to take a day off!
Sitting at the office staring down wall to wall meetings on what's *supposed* to be the last Summer Friday and also Tool Day and basically rethinking nearly every life choice that brought me to this place as opposed to lying in the sun being lightly toasted in Central Park with Fear Inoculum in my headphones
Seems like the only choice you made was not to take a day off!

"Choices always were a problem for you.
What you need is someone strong to guide you.
Deaf and blind and dumb and born to follow,
What you need is someone strong to use you
Like me,
Like me."
just finished listening. very good album but holy schmoly does every song on this album have to have a section/part/riff that's far too reminiscent of a section/part/riff from an older TOOL song?

after the one listen I think 7empest is my current favorite track