While we're on the subject of Maynard the person, if you ever get a chance to get his wine (Caduceus Cellars) I recommend it. As a former Arizona resident I had the chance to go up to his wine tasting room in Jerome and try a number of his wines... all were quite excellent. Highly recommend the Anubis.
I think of him as an eccentric grump.
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Funny, I have a 2010 Anubis I've been holding onto for a while, looking for a good excuse to open it. I might have to follow your lead on the 30th with this plan!I have a red, a Rosa, and a white waiting to be poured after the album drops! The red is a 2007 Anubis. Looking forward to trying it, I’ve been holding on to it for this moment!
I agree - I don't think there is an excuse for him being a douche. He's also probably the smallest part of TOOL at this point (I'll probably get push back for this but w/e).
TOOL is primarily a project between Danny, Adam and Justin. They write all the music, and Maynard comes in at the last moment and records vocals over top of the finished music. Adam does all the artwork, etc. Maynard is off doing APC, Puscifer, his wine and restaurants, etc. He is a very busy, prolific guy and only spends the minimum required time with TOOL at this point. He has a nice voice and I dig his lyricism.
I have pretty much resigned myself to killing my idols, and I'm not a 16 year old Maynard fanboi anymore thank God. I can enjoy the art while separating what a purported jerk Maynard is rumored to be.
You were the boy wearing Vans, 501s and the Dope Beasties T aren’t you.
I was 6 years old in ‘92 for the first EP. So... no?
I read this previously and found it annoying.![]()
A Lifelong Tool Fan's Desperate Plea For the Band to Never Release the New Album
We live in a time where all things eventually become bad. Let Tool remain sacred.www.esquire.com
I thought it was a waste of breath too. It's one thing to take a position explaining why ANY band shouldn't continue to release music after a certain period of time and perceived quality, but to position yourself as a lifelong fan and denounce something that hasn't been released yet, just seems unnecessary.I read this previously and found it annoying.
The author clearly puts their own sense of nostalgia above progress, personal growth, bands making a living, and new fans discovering great music.
It’s like he thinks this new album might have been Tool transforming into Sugar Ray. I don’t expect to go to a Tool show surrounded by tweens there to belt out a single from the radio just because they made a new album.
I try not to hate on things, but in my mind that article was weak, and discourages the growth of artists and music.
Give it s a shot! I actually went through all of them in a day earlier this week.I am also not sure if I can get through each of these albums anymore.