Vinyl Me Please Anthology

I wonder if there is like some kind of word to describe the behavior of someone running a business who sees a person posting on a forum about that business and decides to search out their social media to send strange private messages that don't make a lot of sense?

Immature. Insecure. Petty. Take your pick. I think the second is probably the one that’s on the nose.
Immature. Insecure. Petty. Take your pick. I think the second is probably the one that’s on the nose.

edit, that's also some grade A creep message too. I grade his weirdness 98.
Yeah, all these work I think. I agree insecure is probably most apt. That he's the kind of guy who uses the phrase "I'm living in your head rent free" unironically is not a big surprise. I wonder if what's supposed to drive me batshit crazy is trying to figure out why he wants to make me think talking about his inscrutable, odd business practices led to him making some kind of sales?
Yeah, all these work I think. I agree insecure is probably most apt. That he's the kind of guy who uses the phrase "I'm living in your head rent free" unironically is not a big surprise. I wonder if what's supposed to drive me batshit crazy is trying to figure out why he wants to make me think talking about his inscrutable, odd business practices led to him making some kind of sales?
I don’t know if it led to sales but the spike likely refers to the hits to his page from the link that was posted here. That’s how several label reps seemed to have found us, tracking where the site hits are coming from.
Sorry but what’s this now?
VMP got involved with this creepy dude to promote the first anthology because he runs a FB vinyl page. He came into the VMP forum like a bull in a china shop and was banned within a day. He's just a leftover inside joke from the last forum that thinks he's very important, I guess. Of course he came up here again with the second anthology news and I suppose my comments about maybe hit closer to home than everyone elses? A professional running a real business would likely take criticism like this in stride, but creepy dudes in basements tend to prefer looking you up on social media to send pm's.
I don’t know if it led to sales but the spike likely refers to the hits to his page from the link that was posted here. That’s how several label reps seemed to have found us, tracking where the site hits are coming from.
Oh for sure I don't think it led to sales and certainly not 28 sales. My guess is he was disappointed that I hadn't noticed his weird PM's fast enough decided to enhance it with some vague, unsupported lie.
It’s been a minute since I thought about how dumb it was of VMP to shut the forum down.
Why did they have to do it?!?! 🥺🥺😭😭

Why did Vinyl Me, Please have to close down the VMP forum??? It was so special and joyful and unique and real. And they didn’t even tell us that they were thinking of shutting down the forum! Did they not see how cute, adorable, fun, loving and passionate the VMP forum was??? 😳🤔

That decision was very military/army/defence force orientated. That’s how I will always see it.

Like you know when people regret not going to their best friend’s wedding overseas because of work commitments. And then they regret it because the best friend and them will always remember how they did not turn up to the wedding. That’s how I feel about VMP. I really like them still and am loving a lot of their presses and customer service overall. But I will always remember that heartless decision they made of cutting down the VMP forum.
Why did they have to do it?!?! 🥺🥺😭😭

Why did Vinyl Me, Please have to close down the VMP forum??? It was so special and joyful and unique and real. And they didn’t even tell us that they were thinking of shutting down the forum! Did they not see how cute, adorable, fun, loving and passionate the VMP forum was??? 😳🤔

That decision was very military/army/defence force orientated. That’s how I will always see it.

Like you know when people regret not going to their best friend’s wedding overseas because of work commitments. And then they regret it because the best friend and them will always remember how they did not turn up to the wedding. That’s how I feel about VMP. I really like them still and am loving a lot of their presses and customer service overall. But I will always remember that heartless decision they made of cutting down the VMP forum.
Yeah my friend got married in Portugal last friday and I didnt go. Seeing all the photos and reading this post made me realise I'm a dick. Thanks Nathan 👍🏼

Nah I'm joking I'm content with not going. I couldn't go and I hate weddings anyway 🤣🤣🤣